ДСТУ EN 62395-2:2022 Системы резистивного распределенного электронагревания промышленного и коммерческого назначения. Часть 2. Руководство по применению для проектирования, установки и обслуживания системы (E...

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ДСТУ EN 62395-2:2022
(EN 62395-2:2013; IEC 62395-2:2013, IDT)

Системи резистивного розподіленого електронагрівання промислового
та комерційного призначення. Частина 2. Посібник із застосування
для проєктування, встановлення та обслуговування системи


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Surface heating of vessels and piping systems

4.1 Application description

4.2 Design information – General

4.3 Thermal system design

4.4 Electrical design

4.5 Control and monitoring system design

4.6 Special design considerations

4.7 Installation

4.8 Maintenance

4.9 Repair

5 Roof and gutter de-icing

5.1 Application description

5.2 Design information – General

5.3 Thermal design

5.4 Electrical design

5.5 Control and monitoring system design

5.6 Special design considerations

5.7 Installation

5.8 Maintenance

5.9 Repair

6 Rail heating

6.1 Application description

6.2 Design information

6.3 Thermal design

6.4 Electrical design

6.5 Control and monitoring system design

6.6 Special design considerations

6.7 Installation

6.8 Maintenance

6.9 Repair

7 Snow melting

7.1 Application description

7.2 Design information

7.3 Thermal design – Power output (heat load) determination

7.4 Electrical design

7.5 Control and monitoring system design

7.6 Special design considerations

7.7 Installation

7.8 Maintenance

7.9 Repair

8 Floor warming

8.1 Application description

8.2 Design information

8.3 Thermal design – Heat load determination

8.4 Electrical design

8.5 Control and monitoring system design

8.6 Special design consideration

8.7 Installation

8.8 Maintenance

8.9 Repair

9 Frost heave prevention

9.1 Application description

9.2 Design information

9.3 Heat load determinatio

9.4 Electrical design

9.5 Control and monitoring system desig

9.6 Special design considerations

9.7 Installation

9.8 Maintenance

9.9 Repair

10 Underground thermal energy storage systems

10.1 Application description

10.2 Design information

10.3 Thermal design – Heat-loss determination

10.4 Electrical design

10.5 Control and monitoring system design

10.6 Special design considerations when trace heaters are located in sand layer

10.7 Installation

10.8 Maintenance

10.9 Repair

Annex A (informative) Pre-installation checks

Annex B (informative) Trace heater commissioning record

Annex C (informative) Maintenance schedule and log record


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