ДСТУ EN 62056-5-3:2022 Обмен данными измерения электроэнергии. Комплект DLMS/COSEM. Часть 5-3. Прикладной уровень DLMS/COSEM (EN 62056-5-3:2017, IDT; IEC 62056-5-3:2017, IDT)

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Наказ від 28.12.2022 № 285

EN 62056-5-3:2017

Electricity metering data exchange - The DLMS/COSEM suite -
Part 5-3: DLMS/COSEM application layer

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 62056-5-3:2022
(EN 62056-5-3:2017, IDT; IEC 62056-5-3:2017, IDT)

Обмін даними вимірювання електроенергії. Комплект DLMS/COSEM.
Частина 5-3. Прикладний рівень DLMS/COSEM

З наданням чинності від 2023-12-31


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms, definitions, abbreviated terms and symbols

3.1 General DLMS/COSEM definitions

3.2 Definitions related to cryptographic security

3.3 Definitions and abbreviated terms related to the Galois / Counter Mode

3.4 General abbreviated terms

3.5 Symbols related to the Galois / Counter Mode

3.6 Symbols related the ECDSA algorithm

3.7 Symbols related to the key agreement algorithms

4 Overview of DLMS / COSEM

4.1 Information exchange in DLMS / COSEM

4.2 DLMS / COSEM application layer main features

5 Informationse curity in DLMS / COSEM

5.1 Overview

5.2 The DLMS / COSEM security concept

5.3 Cryptographic algorithms

5.4 Cryptographic keys – overview

5.5 Key used with symmetric key algorithms

5.6 Keys used with public key algorithms

5.7 Applying cryptographic protection

6 DLMS / COSEM application layer service specification

6.1 Service primitives and parameters

6.2 The COSEM - OPEN service

6.3 The COSEM - RELEASE service

6.4 COSEM - ABORT service

6.5 Protection and general block transfer parameters

6.6 The GET service

6.7 The SET service

6.8 The ACTION service

6.9 The ACCESS service

6.10 The DataNotification service

6.11 The EventNotification service

6.12 The TriggerEventNotificationSending service

6.13 Variable access specification

6.14 The Read service

6.15 The Write service

6.16 The UnconfirmedWrite service

6.17 The Information Report service

6.18 Client side layer management services: the SetMapperTable.request

6.19 Summary of services and LN / SN data transfer service mapping

7 DLMS / COSEM application layer protocol specification

7.1 The control function

7.2 The ACSE services and APDUs

7.3 Protocol for the data transfer services

8 Abstract syntax of ACSE and COSEM APDUs


9.1 General

9.2 XML Schema

Annex A (normative) Using the DLMS / COSEM application layer in various communications profiles

Annex B (normative) SMS short wrapper

Annex C (normative) Gateway protocol

Annex D (informative) AARQ and AARE encoding examples

Annex E (informative) Encoding examples: AARQ and AARE APDUs using a ciphered application context

Annex F (informative) Data transfer service examples

Annex G (normative) NSA Suite B elliptic curves and domain parameters

Annex H (informative) Example of an End entity signature certificate using P-256 signed with P-256

Annex I (normative) Use of key agreements chemes in DLMS / COSEM

Annex J (informative) Exchanging protected xDLMS APDUs between TP and server

Annex K (informative) Significant technical changes with respect to IEC 62056-5-3:2016



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