ДСТУ EN ISO 21809-3:2016 Нефтяная и газовая промышленность. Внешние покровы подземных или подводных трубопроводов в трубопроводных транспортных системах. Часть 3. Покровы монтажных соединений (EN ISO 21809-3:...

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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 30.06.2016 № 192

EN ISO 21809-3:2016

Petroleum and natural gas industries. Externai coatings for buried
or submerged pipelines used in pipeline transportation systems.
Field joint coatings (ISO 21809-3:2016)

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN ISO 21809-3:2016
(EN ISO 21809-3:2016, IDТ; ISO 21809-3:2016, IDТ)

Нафтова і газова промисловість. Зовнішні покриви підземних
або підводних трубопроводів у трубопровідних транспортних системах.
Частина 3. Покриви монтажних з’єднань

З наданням чинності від 2016-09-01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Symbols and abbreviated terms

4.1 Symbols

4.2 Abbreviated terms

5 General requirements 

5.1 Responsibily of the end user

5.2 Rounding  

5.3 Compliance, testing and quality

6 Information to be supplied by the purchaser

6.1 General information

6.2 Additional information

7 Application procedures and qualification

7.1 Application procedure specification (APS)

7.2 Coating materials

7.3 Procedure qualification trial (PQT)

7.4 Pre-production trial (PPT).

7.5 Qualification of coating and inspection personnel         

7.6 Production testing and inspection

7.7 Inspection documents and traceability

8 Classification of field joint coatings

9 General requirements for surface preparation, coating application, testing and repair

9.1 Surface preparation

9.1.1 General

9.1.2 Preparation of the steel substrate

9.1.3 Preparation of the adjacent plant-applied coating       

9.2 Application of the coating

9.3 Visual inspection of the applied coating

9.4 Testing of the field joint coating

9.5 Repairs  

9.6 Verification, handling and storage of coating materials        

10 Hot-applied bituminous tape coatings

10.1 Coating identification

10.2 Description of the coatings

10.3 Surface preparation

10.4 Coating application

10.4.1 General

10.4.2 Application of the primer

10.4.3 Application of the bituminous tapes          

10.4.4 Overlap

10.5 Testing of the applied coatings

10.5.1 General

10.5.2 Thickness

10.5.3 Holiday detection

10.5.4 Impact resistance

10.5.5 Indentation resistance

10.5.6 Specific electrical insulation resistance         

10.5.7 Cathodic disbondment

10.5.8 Peel strength to pipe surface and plant coating        

10.5.9 Hot-water immersion test

10.5.10 Lap shear strength

11 Petrolatum and wax-based tape coatings

11.1 Coating identification

11.2 Description of the coatings

11.2.1 Petrolatum tapes (Type 11A)

11.2.2 Wax-based tapes (Type 11B)

11.3 Surface preparation

11.4 Coating application

11.4.1 General

11.4.2 Application of the primer

11.4.3 Application of petrolatum or wax-based tapes        

11.4.4 Overlap

11.5 Testing of the applied coatings

11.5.1 General

11.5.2 Thickness

11.5.3 Holiday detection

11.5.4 Impact resistance

11.5.5 Indentation resistance

11.5.6 Specific electrical insulation resistance         

11.5.7 Cathodic disbondment

11.5.8 Peel strength to pipe surface and plant coating        

11.5.9 Hot-water immersion test

11.5.10 Drip resistance

12 Cold-applied polymeric tape coatings

12.1 Coating identification

12.2 Description of the coatings

12.3 Surface preparation

12.4 Coating application

12.4.1 General

12.4.2 Application of the primer

12.4.3 Application of polymeric tapes

12.4.4 Overlap

12.5 Testing of the applied coatings

12.5.1 General

12.5.2 Thickness

12.5.3 Holiday detection

12.5.4 Impact resistance

12.5.5 Indentation resistance

12.5.6 Cathodic disbondment

12.5.7 Peel strength between tape layers of polymeric tapes      

12.5.8 Peel strength to pipe surface and plant coating        

12.5.9 Hot-water immersion test

12.5.10 Lap shear strength

12.5.11 Thermal ageing resistance

13 Non-crystalline low-viscosity polyolefin based coatings        

13.1 Coating identification

13.2 Description of the coatings

13.3 Surface preparation

13.4 Application of the coatings

13.4.1 General

13.4.2 Overlap

13.5 Testing of the applied coating

13.5.1 General

13.5.2 Thickness

13.5.3 Holiday detection

13.5.4 Impact resistance

13.5.5 Indentation resistance

13.5.6 Specific electrical insulation resistance         

13.5.7 Cathodic disbondment resistance

13.5.8 Peel strength between layers of outer wrap        

13.5.9 Adhesion to pipe surface and plant coating        

13.5.10 Thermal ageing resistance

13.5.11 Resistance to lap shear

13.5.12 Hot-water immersion test

13.5.13 Glass transition and crystallization temperatures       

13.5.14 Drip resistance

14 Coatings based on heat-shrinkable materials

14.1 Coating identification

14.2 Description of the coatings

14.2.1 General

14.2.2 Type 14A

14.2.3 Types 14B, 14C and 14D

14.3 Surface preparation

14.4 Application of the coatings

14.4.1 General

14.4.2 Application of the primer

14.4.3 Application of heat-shrinkable materials         

14.4.4 Overlap

14.5 Testing of the applied coatings

14.5.1 General

14.5.2 Thickness

14.5.3 Holiday detection

14.5.4 Peel strength

14.5.5 Cathodic disbondment

14.5.6 Hot-water immersion test

14.5.7 Impact resistance

14.5.8 Indentation resistance

14.5.9 Lap shear strength

14.5.10 Thermal ageing resistance and thermal stability       

14.5.11 Bursting strength

14.5.12 Oxidation induction time

15 Hot-applied microcrystalline wax coatings

15.1 Coating identification

15.2 Description of the coating

15.3 Surface preparation

15.4 Application of the coating

15.4.1 General

15.4.2 Application of the microcrystalline wax         

15.4.3 Application of the outer wrap

15.4.4 Application of wax top coat

15.5 Testing of the applied coatings

15.5.1 General

15.5.2 Thickness

15.5.3 Holiday detection

15.5.4 Adhesion

15.5.5 Hardness

16 Elastomeric coatings 

16.1 Coating identification

16.2 Description of the coatings

16.3 Surface preparation

16.4 Application of the coatings

16.4.1 General

16.4.2 In situ vulcanization method

16.4.3 Ambient-cure adhesive method

16.5 Testing of the applied coatings

16.5.1 General

16.5.2 Visual appearance

16.5.3 Coating thickness

16.5.4 Holiday detection

16.5.5 Hardness

16.5.6 Adhesion

16.5.7 Hot-water immersion test

16.5.8 Cathodic disbondment

16.5.9 Density

16.5.10 Rheometer curve — Oscillating disc          

16.5.11 Tensile strength

16.5.12 Elongation at break

16.5.13 Tear strength

16.5.14 Electrical volume resistivity

16.5.15 Ozone resistance

16.5.16 Resistance to seawater

17 Fusion-bonded epoxy (FBE) powder coatings

17.1 Coating identification

17.2 Description of the coatings

17.3 Surface preparation

17.4 Application of the coatings

17.4.1 General

17.4.2 Transport and storage of epoxy powder         

17.4.3 Heating

17.4.4 Application of epoxy powder

17.5 Testing of the applied coatings

17.5.1 General

17.5.2 Visual appearance

17.5.3 Thickness

17.5.4 Holiday detection

17.5.5 Adhesion

17.5.6 Degree of cure

17.5.7 Impact resistance

17.5.8 Cathodic disbondment

17.5.9 Hot-water immersion test

17.5.10 Flexibility

18 Liquid-applied coatings

18.1 Coating identification

18.2 Description of the coatings

18.2.1 Liquid epoxy — 18A

18.2.2 Liquid polyurethane — 18B

18.2.3 Fibre reinforced epoxy — 18C

18.2.4 Fibre reinforced vinyl ester — 18D          

18.2.5 Cast polyurethane — 18E

18.3 Surface preparation

18.4 Application of the coatings

18.4.1 General

18.4.2 Heating

18.4.3 Liquid coatings application

18.5 Testing of the applied coatings

18.5.1 General

18.5.2 Thickness

18.5.3 Holiday detection

18.5.4 Adhesion

18.5.5 Impact resistance

18.5.6 Hardness

18.5.7 Cathodic disbondment

18.5.8 Hot-water immersion test

18.5.9 Flexibility

18.5.10 Indentation resistance

18.5.11 Specific electrical insulation resistance         

18.5.12 Compressive strength

18.5.13 Electrical volume resistivity

18.5.14 Water absorption

19 Hot-applied polyolefin-based coatings

19.1 Coating identification

19.2 Description of the coatings

19.2.1 Flame-sprayed polypropylene — Type 19A        

19.2.2 Hot-applied polypropylene tapes/sheets — Type 19B      

19.2.3 Injection-moulded polypropylene — Type 19C        

19.2.4 Flame-sprayed polyethylene — Type 19D         

19.2.5 Hot-applied polyethylene tapes/sheets — Type 19E      

19.2.6 Thickness of the epoxy primer

19.3 Surface preparation

19.4 Application of the coating

19.4.1 General

19.4.2 Heating

19.4.3 Application of the epoxy layer

19.4.4 Application of the chemically modified PP or PE       

19.4.5 Application of the polyolefin top coat          

19.5 Testing of the applied coatings

19.5.1 General

19.5.2 Thickness

19.5.3 Holiday detection

19.5.4 Peel strength

19.5.5 Adhesion to plant coating

19.5.6 Hot-water immersion test

19.5.7 Degree of cure

19.5.8 Cathodic disbondment

19.5.9 Impact resistance

19.5.10 Indentation resistance

19.5.11 Oxidation induction time

19.5.12 Flexibility

20 Thermal spray aluminium (TSA) coatings

20.1 Coating identification

20.2 Description of the coating

20.3 Qualification 

20.4 Surface preparation

20.5 Application of the coating

20.5.1 General

20.5.2 Aluminium

20.5.3 Sealer 

20.6 Testing of the applied coating

20.6.1 General

20.6.2 Visual inspection

20.6.3 TSA porosity

20.6.4 Coating thickness

20.6.5 Bend test

20.6.6 Pull-off adhesion test

20.6.7 Sealer penetration

Annex A (normative) Test programmes for procedure qualification trials (PQT), preproduction trials (PPT) or production testing

Annex B (normative) Inspection of thickness

Annex C (normative) Holiday detection test

Annex D (normative) Impact test

Annex E (normative) Indentation test

Annex F (normative) Specific electrical insulation resistance

Annex G (normative) Cathodic disbondment test

Annex H (normative) Peel strength test

Annex I (normative) Hot water immersion test

Annex J (normative) Lap shear strength

Annex K (normative) Drip resistance

Annex L (normative) Peel strength between layers

Annex M (normative) Thermal ageing resistance

Annex N (normative) Thermal stability test (Hot air ageing)

Annex O (normative) Bursting strength of reinforced backing

Annex P (normative) Thermal analysis of epoxy power and cured coating film (FBE)

Annex Q (normative) Adhesion test — Resistance to removal


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