ДСТУ EN 60079-11:2016 Взрывоопасные газовые среды. Часть 11. Защита электрического оборудования с помощью искробезопасной электрической цепи (і) (EN 60079-11:2012, IDT)
Державне підприємство «Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 15.12.2016 № 430
EN 60079-11:2012
Explosive atmospheres — Part 11: Equipment protection by intrinsic safety "i"
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДCТУ EN 60079-11:2016
(EN 60079-11:2012, IDT)
Вибухонебезпечні газові середовища.
Частина 11. Захист
електричного обладнання за допомогою іскробезпечного електричного кола
З наданням чинності від 2017-01-01
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Grouping and classification of intrinsically safe apparatus and associated apparatus
5 Levels of protection and ignition compliance requirements of electrical apparatus
5.1 General
5.2 Level of protection "ia "
5.3 Level of protection "ib "
5.4 Level of protection "ic "
5.5 Spark ignition com pliance
5.6 Thermal ignition com pliance
5.6.1 General
5.6.2 Temperature for small components for Group I and Group II
5.6.3 Wiring within intrinsically safe apparatus for Group I and Group II
5.6.4 Tracks on printed circuit boards for Group I and Group II
5.6.5 Intrinsically safe apparatus and component temperature for Group
5.7 Simple apparatus
6 Apparatus construction
6.1 Enclosures
6.1.1 General
6.1.2 Enclosures for Group I or Group II apparatus
6.1.3 Enclosures for Group III apparatus
6.2 Facilities for connection of external circuits
6.2.1 Terminals
6.2.2 Plugs and sockets
6.2.3 Determination of maximum external inductance to resistance ratio (L0/R0) for resistance limited power source
6.2.4 Permanently connected cable
6.2.5 Requirements for connections and accessories for IS apparatus when located in the non-hazardous area
6.3 Separation distances
6.3.1 General
6.3.2 Separation of conductive parts
6.3.3 Voltage between conductive parts
6.3.4 Clearance
6.3.5 Separation distances through casting compound
6.3.6 Separation distances through solid insulation
6.3.7 Composite separations
6.3.8 Creep age distance
6.3.9 Distance under coating
6.3.10 Requirements for assembled printed circuit boards
6.3.11 Separation by earthed screens
6.3.12 Internal wiring
6.3.13 Dielectric strength requirement
6.3.14 Relays
6.4 Protection against polarity reversal
6.5 Earth conductors, connections and terminals
6.6 Encapsulation
6.6.1 General
6.6.2 Encapsulation used for the exclusion of explosive atmospheres
7 Components on which intrinsic safety depends
7.1 Rating of components
7.2 Connectors for internal connections, plug-in cards and components
7.3 Fuses
7.4 Primary and secondary cells and batteries
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Battery construction
7.4.3 Electrolyte leakage and ventilation
7.4.4 Cell voltages
7.4.5 Internal resistance of cell or battery
7.4.6 Batteries in equipment protected by other types of protection
7.4.7 Batteries used and replaced in explosive atmospheres
7.4.8 Batteries used but not replaced in explosive atmospheres
7.4.9 External contacts for charging batteries
7.5 Semiconductors
7.5.1 Transient effects
7.5.2 Shunt voltage limiters
7.5.3 Series current limiters
7.6 Failure of components, connections and separations
7.7 Piezo-electric devices
7.8 Electrochemical cells for the detection of gases
8 Infallible components, infallible assemblies of components and infallible connections on which intrinsic safety depends
8.1 Level of Protection “ic”
8.2 Mains transformers
8.2.1 General
8.2.2 Protective measures
8.2.3 Transformer construction
8.2.4 Transformer type tests
8.2.5 Routine test of mains transformers
8.3 Transformers other than mains transformers
8.4 Infallible windings
8.4.1 Damping windings
8.4.2 Inductors made by insulated conductors
8.5 Current-limiting resistors
8.6 Capacitors
8.6.1 Blocking capacitors
8.6.2 Filter capacitors
8.7 Shunt safety assemblies
8.7.1 General
8.7.2 Safety shunts
8.7.3 Shunt voltage limiters
8.8 Wiring, printed circuit board tracks, and connections
8.9 Galvanically separating components
8.9.1 General
8.9.2 Isolating components between intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe circuits
8.9.3 Isolating components between separate intrinsically safe circuits
9 Supplementary requirements for specific apparatus
9.1 Diode safety barriers
9.1.1 General
9.1.2 C onstruction
9.2 FISCO apparatus
9.3 Handlights and caplights
10 Type verifications and type tests
10.1 Spark ignition test
10.1.1 General
10.1.2 Spark test apparatus
10.1.3 Test gas mixtures and spark test apparatus calibration current
10.1.4 Tests with the spark test apparatus
10.1.5 Testing considerations
10.2 Temperature tests
10.3 Dielectric strength tests
10.4 Determination of parameters of loosely specified components
10.5 Tests for cells and batteries
10.5.1 General
10.5.2 Electrolyte leakage test for cells and batteries
10.5.3 Spark ignition and surface temperature of cells and batteries
10.5.4 Battery container pressure tests
10.6 Mechanical tests
10.6.1 Casting com pound
10.6.2 Determination of the acceptability of fuses requiring encapsulation
10.6.3 Partitions
10.7 Tests for intrinsically safe apparatus containing piezoelectric devices
10.8 Type tests for diode safety barriers and safety shunts
10.9 Cable pull test
10.10 Transformer tests
10.11 Optical isolators tests
10.11.1 General
10.11.2 Thermal conditioning, dielectric and carbonisation test
10.11.3 Dielectric and short-circuit test
10.12 Current carrying capacity of infallible printed circuit board connections
11 Routine verifications and tests
11.1 Routine tests for diode safety barriers
11.1.1 Completed barriers
11.1.2 Diodes for 2-diode “ia” barriers
11.2 Routine tests for infallible transformers
12 Marking
12.1 General
12.2 Marking of connection facilities
12.3 Warning markings
12.4 Examples of marking
13 Documentation
Annex A (normative) Assessment of intrinsically safe circuits
Annex В (normative) Spark test apparatus for intrinsically safe circuits
Annex С (informative) Measurement of creepage distances, clearances and separation distances through casting compound and through solid insulation
Annex D (normative) Encapsulation
Annex E (informative) Transient energy test
Annex F (normative) Alternative separation distances for assembled printed circuit boards and separation of components
Annex G (normative) Field bus intrinsically safe concept (FISCO) - Apparatus requirements
Annex FI (informative) Ignition testing of semiconductor limiting power supply circuits
Figure 1 - Separation of intrinsically safe and non-intrinsically safe terminals
Figure 2 - Example of separation of conducting parts
Figure 3 - Determination of creepage distances
Figure 4 - Creepage distances and clearances on printed circuit boards
Figure 5 - Examples of independent and non-independent connecting elements
Figure A. 1 - Resistive circuits
Figure A.2 - Group I capacitive circuits
Figure A.3 - Group II capacitive circuits
Figure A.4 - Inductive circuits of Group II
Figure A.5 - Group I inductive circuits
Figure A.6 - Group IIC inductive circuits
Figure A.7 - Simple inductive circuit
Figure A.8 - Simple capacitive circuit
Figure A.9 - Equivalent capacitance
Figure B.1 - Spark test apparatus for intrinsically safe circuits
Figure B.2 - Cadmium contact disc
Figure B.3 - Wire holder
Figure B.4 - Example of a practical design of spark test apparatus
Figure B.5 - Arrangement for fusing tungsten wires
Figure C.1 - Measurement of clearance
Figure C.2 - Measurement of composite distances
Figure C.3 - Measurement of creepage
Figure C.4 - Measurement of composite creepage
Figure D.1 - Examples of encapsulated assemblies conforming to 6.3.5 and 6.6
Figure D.2 - Applications of encapsulation using casting compound without an enclosure
Figure D.3 - Examples of assemblies using moulding conforming to 6.6
Figure E.1 - Example of test circuit
Figure E.2 - Example of output waveform
Figure G.1 - Typical system
Figure H.1 - Safety factor vs ignition probablity
Table 1 - Applicability of specific clauses of IEC 60079-0
Table 2 - Temperature classification of copper wiring (in a maximum ambient temperature of 40 °С)
Table 3 - Temperature classification of tracks on printed circuit boards (in a maximum ambient temperature of 40 °С )
Table 4 - Maximum permitted power dissipation within a component immersed in dust
Table 5 - Clearances, creepage distances and separations
Table 6 - Minimum foil thickness or minimum wire diameter of the screen in relation to the rated current of the fuse
Table 7 - Compositions of explosive test mixtures adequate for 1,0 safety factor62
Table 8 - Compositions of explosive test mixtures adequate for 1,5 safety factor63
Table 10 - Routine test voltages for infallible transformers
Table 11 - Text of warning markings
Table A.1 - Permitted short-circuit current corresponding to the voltage and the Equipment Group
Table A.2 - Permitted capacitance corresponding to the voltage and the Equipment Group
Table A.3 - Permitted reduction of effective capacitance when protected by a series resistance
Table F.1 - Clearances, creepage distances and separations for Level of Protection ”ia” and “ib” when ingress protected, and special conditions of material and installation are fulfilled
Table F.2 - Clearances, creepage distances and separations for Level of Protection ”ic” when ingress is protected by an enclosure or by special conditions of installation
Table G.1 - Assessment of maximum output current for use with ‘ia’ and ‘ib’ FISCO rectangular supplies
Table G.2 - Assessment of maximum output current for use with ‘ic’ FISCO rectangular supplies
Table H.1 - Sequence of tests
Table FI.2 - Safety factor provided by several explosive test mixtures that may be used
for the tests in Table H .1
Table H.3 - Example of a Group I circuit with characteristics described by Curve II of
Figure H.1 - This passes the test sequence of Table H.
Table H.4 - Example of a Group I circuit with characteristics described by Curve III of
Figure H.1 - This does not pass the test sequence of Table H.1
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