ДСТУ EN ISO 17100:2017 Услуги по переводу. Требования к услугам по переводу (EN ISO 17100:2015, IDT; ISO 17100:2015, IDT)

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Наказ від 19.08.2017 № 244

EN ISO 17100:2015

Translation Services — Requirements for translation services
(ISO 17100:2015)

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN ISO 17100:2017
(EN ISO 17100:2015, IDT; ISO 17100:2015, IDT)

Послуги щодо перекладання.
Вимоги до послуг щодо перекладання

З наданням чинності від 2017-10-01




1 Scope

2 Terms and definitions

2.1 Concepts related to translation and translation services

2.2 Concepts related to translation workflow and technology

2.3 Concepts related to language and content

2.4 Concepts related to the people involved in translation services

2.5 Concepts related to control of the translation service process

3 Resources

3.1 Human resources

3.2 Technical and technological resources

4 Pre-production processes and activities

4.1 General

4.2 Enquiry and feasibility

4.3 Quotation

4.4 Client-TSP agreement

4.5 Handling of project-related client information

4.6 Project preparation

5 Production process

5.1 General

5.2 Translation service project management

5.3 Translation process

6 Post-production processes

6.1 Feedback

6.2 Closing administration

Annex A (informative) ISO 17100 Translation workflow

Annex B (informative) Agreements and project specifications

Annex C (informative) Project registration and reporting

Annex D (informative) Pre-production tasks

Annex E (informative) Translation technology

Annex F (informative) Non-exhaustive list of value added services


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