ДСТУ EN 14236:2016 Счетчики газа ультразвуковые бытового назначения (EN 14236:2007, IDT)

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Наказ від 20.07.2016 № 209

EN 14236:2007

Ultrasonic domestic gas meters

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 14236:2016
(EN 14236:2007, IDT)

Лічильники газу ультразвукові побутової призначеності

З наданням чинності від 2016-07-22



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms, definitions and symbols

3.1 Terms and definitions

3.2 Symbols

4 Normal operating conditions

4.1 Flow range

4.2 Maximum working pressure

4.3 Temperature range

4.4 Range of gases

4.5 Orientation

5 Metrological performance

5.1 General

5.2 Mode comparison

5.3 Permissible errors

5.4 Gas — air relationship

5.5 Pressure absorption

5.6 Metrological stability

5.7 Immunity to contaminants in gas stream

5.8 Installation effects

5.9 Zero flow

5.10 Reverse flow

5.11 Low flow registration

5.12 High flow registration

5.13 Pulsed (unsteady) flow

5.14 Temperature sensitivity

6 Construction and materials

6.1 General

6.2 Robustness of meter case

6.3 Corrosion protection

6.4 Casework decorative finish

6.5 Ageing of non-metallic casework

6.6 Ageing of external surfaces of the meter, including index windows and adhesion of the index window

6.7 Protection against solar radiation

6.8 Resistance to external humidity

6.9 Flame retardance of external surfaces

6.10 Resistance to storage temperature range

6.11 Resistance to the effects of toluene/iso-octane vapour

6.12 Resistance to water vapour

6.13 Ageing

7 Optional features

7.1 Pressure measuring point

7.2 Resistance to high ambient temperature

7.3 Meters with temperature conversion

7.4 Ancillary devices (if fitted)

7.5 Use in hazardous zones

8 Index

8.1 Recording and storage

8.2 Display

8.3 Segmental display

8.4 Non-volatile memory

8.5 Display reset

9 Marking

9.1 All meters

9.2 Two-pipe meters

9.3 Durability and legibility of marking

9.4 Accompanying information

10 Software

10.1 Requirements

10.2 Test

11 Communications

11.1 General

11.2 Character transmission

11.3 Communications protocol

11.4 Data

11.5 Test-mode

11.6 Data optical port

11.7 Galvanic port (optional)

11.8 Diagnostics

12 Battery

12.1 General

12.2 Voltage interruptions

12.3 Minimum operating voltage

12.4 Battery life

13 Immunity to electromagnetic disturbances

13.1 General

13.2 Electrostatic discharge

13.3 Radio frequency electromagnetic field

13.4 Electromagnetic induction (power frequency)

13.5 Electromagnetic induction (pulsed field)

13.6 Radio interference suppression

14 Ultrasonic (acoustic) noise interference

14.1 Requirements

14.2 Test

15 Meters supplied for testing

Annex A (informative) Test gases

Annex B (normative) Production requirements for gas meters

Annex C (normative) Meters with gas temperature conversion devices

Annex ZA (informative)


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