ДСТУ EN 50465:2019 Приборы газовые. Приборы газового отопления на топливных батареях с номинальной приподнятой теплотой которая меньше или равна 70 кВт (EN 50465:2015, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN 50465:2019
(EN 50465:2015, IDT)

Прилади газові. Прилади газового опалення на паливних батареях
з номінальною підведеною теплотою яка менша або дорівнює 70 кВт

Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Classification

4.1 Gases/Categories

4.2 Mode of air supply and evacuation of combustion products

4.3 Maximum water side operating pressure

4.4 Expansion system

5 Constructional requirements

5.1 General construction

5.2 Use and servicing

5.3 Connections to the gas and water pipes

5.4 Soundness

5.5 Supply of air and evacuation of combustion products

5.6 Requirements for a fan incorporated in a mCHP appliance

5.7 Gas/air ratio controls

5.8 Air proving

5.9 Checking the state of operation

5.10 Operational safety in the event of failure of the energy supply for the control systems

5.11 Drainage

5.12 Conversion to different gases

5.13 Materials and thickness

5.14 Thermal insulation

5.15 Durability against corrosion of metallic combustion product circuits

5.16 Requirements for valves as parts of the gas circuit

5.17 Combustion products evacuation duct

5.18 Design

5.19 Gas carrying circuit

5.20 Electrical equipment

5.21 Requirements for adjusting, control and safety devices

5.22 Burners

6 Operational requirements

6.1 General requirements

6.2 Soundness

6.3 Heat input and heat and electrical output

6.4 Safety of operation (temperature / limit gas)

6.5 Start / Release and adjusting, control and safety devices (if applicable)

6.6 Efficiency

6.7 Operation

6.8 Combustion

6.9 Resistance of materials to pressure

6.10 Hydraulic resistance

6.11 Formation of condensate

6.12 Designation and measurement of reference temperatures of flue systems

6.13 Mechanical resistance and stability of ducts, terminal and fitting pieces

6.14 Requirements for plastic in the combustion product evacuation ducts, terminals and fitting pieces for mCHP appliances

6.15 Requirements for elastomeric seals and elastomeric sealants in the combustion product evacuation ducts, terminals and fitting pieces

6.16 Special provisions for mCHP appliances intended to be installed in a partially protected place

7 Test methods

7.1 General test conditions

7.2 Soundness

7.3 Heat input and heat and electrical output

7.4 Safety of operation

7.5 Start / Release and adjusting, control and safety devices

7.6 Efficiency

7.7 Operation

7.8 Combustion

7.9 Resistance of the materials to pressure

7.10 Hydraulic resistance

7.11 Formation of condensate

7.12 Designation and measurement of reference temperatures of flue systems

7.13 Mechanical resistance and stability of ducts, terminal and fitting pieces

7.14 Requirements for plastic in the combustion product evacuation ducts, terminals and fitting pieces for mCHP appliances

7.15 Tests for elastomeric seals and elastomeric sealants in the combustion product evacuation ducts, terminals and fitting pieces

7.16 Special provisions for mCHP appliances intended to be installed in a partially protected place

8 EMC / electrical requirements

8.1 Relevant for the Gas safety

8.2 Relevant for the Electrical safety related to the grid with indirect effect to gas safety

8.3 Relevant for the EMC

9 Marking, installation and operating instructions

9.1 mCHP appliance marking

9.2 Installation instructions

9.3 Operating instructions (i.e. users’ instructions)

9.4 Conversion instructions

9.5 Presentation

Annex A (informative) Different gas connections in common use in the various countries

Annex B (informative) Classification of type B and type C mCHP appliances

Annex C (informative) Composition of the gas circuit

Annex D (informative) Practical method of calibrating the test rig to enable the heat loss D p to be determined

Annex E (informative) A-deviations

Annex F (informative) Main symbols and abbreviations used

Annex G (informative) Examples for marking

Annex H (informative) Calculation of conversions of NOx

Annex I (informative) Test rig for the measurement of the stand-by heat losses

Annex CC (normative) Test methods to determine the effects of long-term thermal load, long- term condensate exposure, condensing/ non- condensing cycling and resistance to UV radiation

Annex DD (informative) Variations in gas quality

Annex EE (informative) Calculation of the efficiency for ErP

Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EU Directives


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