ДСТУ EN 16851:2022 Краны. Легкие крановые системы (EN 16851:2017 + A1:2020, IDT)

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ДСТУ EN 16851:2022
(EN 16851:2017 + A1:2020, IDT)

Крани. Легкі кранові системи


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)


European foreword


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 List of significant hazards

5 Safety requirements and/or protective measures

5.1 General

5.2 Aluminium structures

5.3 Actions on supporting structures

5.4 General components

5.5 Tandem operation of cranes/trolleys from a single control station

5.6 Use of multiple lifting devices

5.7 Man-machine interface

5.8 Equipment for warning

5.9 Safety related functions of control systems

6 Verification of safety requirements and/or protective measures

6.1 General

6.2 Types of verification

6.3 Fitness for purpose testing

7 Information for use

7.1 General

7.2 Operator's manual

7.3 User's manual

7.4 Marking of rated capacities

Annex A (informative) Guidance for specifying the operating duty

Annex В (normative) Actions on supporting structures and installation dimensions

Annex C (normative) Noise test code

Annex D (informative) Selection of a suitable set of European Standards for cranes in a given application

Annex ZA (informative) E) Relationship between this European Standard and the essential requirements of Directive2006/42/EC aimed to be covered


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