ДСТУ EN 45501:2016 Метрологические аспекты неавтоматических взвешивающих приборов (EN 45501:2015, IDT)
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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 15.06.2016 № 172
EN 45501:2015
Metrological aspects of non-automatic weighing instruments
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ EN 45501: 2016
(EN 45501:2015, IDT)
Метрологічні аспекти неавтоматичних зважувальних приладів
З наданням чинності від 2016–07–01
Foreword Introduction
T.1 General definitions
T.2 Construction of an instrument
T.3 Metrological characteristics of an instrument
T.4 Metrological properties of an instrument
T.5 Indications and errors
T.6 Influences and reference conditions
T.7 Performance test
T.8 Index of terms defined
T.9 Abbreviations and symbols
1 Scope
2 Principles of the European Standard
2.1 Units of measurement
2.2 Principles of the metrological requirements
2.3 Principles of the technical requirements
2.4 Application of requirements
2.5 Terminology
3 Metrological requirements
3.1 Principles of classification
3.2 Classification of instruments
3.3 Additional requirements for multi-interval instruments
3.4 Auxiliary indicating devices
3.5 Maximum permissible errors
3.6 Permissible differences between results
3.7 Test standards
3.8 Discrimination
3.9 Variations due to influence quantities and time
3.10 Type evaluation tests and examinations
4 Technical requirements for self- or semi-self-indicating instruments
4.1 General construction requirements
4.2 Indication of weighing results
4.3 Analog indicating device
4.4 Digital indicating devices
4.5 Zero-setting and zero-tracking devices
4.6 Tare devices
4.7 Preset tare devices
4.8 Locking positions
4.9 Auxiliary verification devices (removable or fixed)
4.10 Selection of weighing ranges on a multiple range instrument
4.11 Devices for selection (or switching) between various load receptors and/or load transmitting
devices and various load measuring devices
4.12 “Plus and minus” comparator instruments
4.13 Instruments for direct sales to the public
4.14 Additional requirements for price-computing instruments for direct sales to the public
4.15 Instruments similar to those normally used for direct sales to the public
4.16 Price-labeling instruments
4.17 Mechanical counting instruments with unit-weight receptor
4.18 Additional technical requirements for mobile instruments (see also
4.19 Portable instruments for weighing road vehicles
4.20 Modes of operation
5 Technical requirements for electronic instruments
5.1 General requirements
5.2 Acting upon significant faults
5.3 Functional requirements
5.4 Performance and span stability tests
5.5 Additional requirements for software-controlled electronic devices
6 Technical requirements for non-self-indicating instruments
6.1 Minimum sensitivity
6.2 Acceptable solutions for indicating devices
6.3 Conditions of construction
6.4 Simple equal arm beam
6.5 Simple 1/10 ratio beam
6.6 Simple sliding poise instruments (steelyards)
6.7 Roberval and Beranger instruments
6.8 Instruments with ratio platforms
6.9 Instruments with a load-measuring device having accessible sliding poises (of the steelyard type)
7 Marking of instruments and modules
7.1 Descriptive Markings
7.2 Other marks
8 Metrological controls
8.1 Liability to metrological controls
8.2 Type approval
8.3 Verification of conformity to type
Annex A (normative) Testing procedures for non-automatic weighing instruments
A.1 Administrative examination (8.2.1)
A.2 Compare construction with documentation (8.2.2)
A.3 Initial examination
A.4 Performance tests
A.5 Influence factors
A.6 Endurance test (
Annex B (normative) Additional tests for electronic instruments
B.1 General requirements for electronic instruments under test
B.2 Damp heat, steady state
B.3 Performance tests for disturbances
B.4 Span stability test
Annex C (normative) Testing and Evaluation of indicators and analog data processing devices as modules of non-automatic weighing instruments
C.1 Applicable requirements
C.2 General principles of testing
C.3 Tests
C.4 Evaluation Record
Annex D (normative) Testing and Evaluation of digital data processing devices, terminals and digital displays as modules of non-automatic weighing instruments
D.1 Applicable requirements
D.2 General principles of testing
D.3 Tests
D.4 Evaluation record
Annex E (normative) Testing and Evaluation of weighing modules as modules of non-automatic weighing instruments
E.1 Applicable requirements
E.2 General principles of testing
E.3 Tests
E.4 Evaluation Record
Annex F (normative) (Mandatory for separately tested modules) Compatibility checking of modules of non-automatic weighing instruments
F.1 Weighing instruments
F.2 Separately tested load cells
F.3 Separately tested indicators and analog data processing devices
F.4 Compatibility checks for modules with analog output
F.5 Compatibility checks for modules with digital output
F.6 Examples of compatibility checks for modules with analog output
Annex G (normative) Additional examinations and tests for software-controlled digital devices and instruments
G.1 Devices and instruments with embedded software (5.5.1)
G.2 Personal computers and other devices with programmable or loadable software (5.5.2)
G.3 Data storage devices (5.5.3)
G.4 Test record format
Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EC Directives
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