ДСТУ EN 280:2016 Робочі платформи (риштовання) пересувні підіймальні. Проектні розрахунки, критерії стійкості, конструкція, безпека, перевірки та випробування (EN 280:2013+А1:2015, IDT)

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Наказ від 20.07.2016 № 209

EN 280:2013+A1:2015

Mobile elevating work platforms — Design calculations - Stability criteria — Construction —
Safety— Examinations and tests

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 280:2016
(EN 280:2013+А1:2015, IDT)

Робочі платформи (риштовання) пересувні підіймальні. Проектні розрахунки, критерії стійкості,
конструкція, безпека, перевірки та випробування

З наданням чинності від 2016–07–22




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 List of hazards

5 Safety requirements and/or measures

5.1 General

5.2 Structural and stability calculations

5.2.1 General

5.2.2 Loads and forces

5.2.3 Determination of loads and forces

5.2.4 Stability calculations

5.2.5 Structural calculations

5.3 Chassis and stabilisers

5.3.1 Chassis

5.3.2 Stabilisers

5.4 Extending structure

5.4.1 Methods to avoid overturning and exceeding permissible stresses:

5.5 Extending structure drive systems

5.5.1 General

5.5.2 Wire rope drive systems

5.5.3 Chain drive systems

5.5.4 Lead-screw drive systems

5.5.5 Rack and pinion drive systems

5.6 Work platform

5.7 Controls

5.8 Electrical equipment

5.9 Hydraulic systems

5.10 Hydraulic cylinders

5.11 Safety devices

6 Verification of the safety requirements and/or measures

6.1 Examinations and tests

6.1.1 General

6.1.2 Design check

6.1.3 Manufacturing check

6.1.4 Tests

6.2 Type tests of MEWPs

6.3 Tests before placing on the market

7 Information for use

7.1 Instruction handbook

7.1.1 General

7.2 Marking

Annex A (informative) Use of MEWPs in wind speeds greater than 12,5 m/s (Beaufort-Scale)

Annex B (informative) Dynamic factors in stability and structural calculations

B.1 Stability calculations

B.2 Structural calculations

Annex C (normative) Calculation of wire rope drive systems

C.1 General

C.2 Calculation of wire rope drive systems

C.3 Calculation of rope diameters (coefficient c)

C.4 Calculation of the diameters of rope drums, rope pulleys and compensating pulleys

C.5 Efficiency of wire rope drive systems

Annex D (informative) Calculation example - Wire rope drive systems

D.1 Method used to determine the coefficients and ratios used for 5.5.2 (wire rope drive systems) using the load cycle figures in and operating speeds in 5.4.5

D.1.1 General

D.1.2 Notes

D.1.3 Annex C (normative) method summarised

D.1.4 Calculation example

D.1.4.1 General

D.1.4.2 Mode of operation (drive group) (see C.2 and Table C.1)

D.1.4.3 Calculation of minimum rope diameter (see C.3)

D.1.4.4 Working coefficients

D.2 Calculation of the diameters of rope drums, pulleys and static pulleys

Annex E (informative) Calculation examples - factor "z", kerb test

Annex F (normative) Additional requirements for wireless controls and control systems

F.1 General

F.2 Control limitation

F.3 Stop

F.4 Serial data communication

F.5 Use of more than one operator control station

F.6 Battery-powered operator control stations

F.7 Receiver

F.8 Warnings

F.9 Information for use

Annex G (normative) Dimensions of steps and ladders

Annex H (informative) Stress history parameters

H.1 Introduction

H.2 Guidance for selection of S class

H.3 Stress history parameters

H.3.1 General procedure

H.3.2 Direct calculation of stress history class

H.3.3 Simplified method to determine stress history class

Annex I (informative) Fatigue assessment: Relationship between S classes in EN 13001-3-1 and B groups in DIN 15018

Annex J (normative) Requirements for Performance Level d safety functions

J.1 General

J.1.1 Introduction

J.1.2 Performance Level d safety functions utilising category 2 architecture

J.1.3 Performance Level d safety functions implemented by SIL 2 functions with a hardware fault tolerance of zero

J.2 Requirements for unmonitored non-electrical parts of category 3 architectures

Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2006/42/EC


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