ДСТУ ISO 3951-1:2016 Статистичний контроль. Процедури вибирання для перевірки за кількісною ознакою. Частина 1. Плани одиничного вибирання для послідовної перевірки партій з одиничною характеристикою якості т...
Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 11.08.2016 № 236
ISO 3951-1:2013
Sampling procedures for inspection by variables —
Part 1: Specification for single sampling plans indexed by acceptance quality limit (AQL)
for lot-by-lot inspection for a single quality characteristic and a single AQL
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ ISO 3951-1:2016
(ISO 3951-1:2013, IDT)
Статистичний контроль. Процедури вибирання для перевірки
за кількісною ознакою. Частина 1. Плани одиничного вибирання
для послідовної перевірки партій з одиничною характеристикою якості
та визначеною межею прийняття якості. Загальні технічні вимоги
З наданням чинності від 2016-09-01
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Symbols
5 Acceptance quality limit (AQL)
5.1 Concept
5.2 Use
5.3 Specifying AQLs
5.4 Preferred AQLs
5.5 Caution
5.6 Limitation
6 Switching rules for normal, tightened, and reduced inspection
7 Relation to ISO 2859-1
7.1 Similarities
7.2 Differences
8 Consumer protection
8.1 Use of individual plans
8.2 Consumer’s risk quality (CRQ) tables
8.3 Producer’s risk tables
8.4 Operating characteristic (OC) curves
9 Allowing for measurement uncertainty
10 Planning
11 Choice between variables and attributes
12 Choice between the s-method and ?-method
13 Choice of inspection level and AQL
14 Choice of sampling scheme
14.1 Standard plans
14.2 Special plans
15 Preliminary operations
16 Standard procedures for the s-method
16.1 Obtaining a plan, sampling, and preliminary calculations
16.2 Acceptability criteria for single specification limits
16.3 Graphical method for a single specification limit
16.4 Acceptability criterion for combined control of double specification limits
17 Standard procedures for the Q-method
17.1 Obtaining a plan, sampling, and preliminary calculations
17.2 Acceptability criteria for a single specification limit
17.3 Acceptability criterion for combined control of double specification limits
18 Procedure during continuing inspection
19 Normality and outliers
19.1 Normality
19.2 Outliers
20 Records
20.1 Control charts
20.2 Lots that are not accepted
21 Operation of switching rules
22 Discontinuation and resumption of inspection
23 Switching between the s-method and Q-method
23.1 Estimating the process standard deviation
23.2 State of statistical control
23.3 Switching from the s-method to the Q-method
23.4 Switching from the a-method to the s-method
24 Charts B to R — Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for single sampling plans, normal inspection: s-method
24.1 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter B: s-method
24.2 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter C: s-method
24.3 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter D: s-method
24.4 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter E: s-method
24.5 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter F: s-method
24.6 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter G: s-method
24.7 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter H: s-method
24.8 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter J: s-method
24.9 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter K: s-method
24.10 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter L: s-method
24.11 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter M: s-method
24.12 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter N:method
24.13 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter P: s-method
24.14 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter Q: s-method
24.15 Operating characteristic curves and tabulated values for sample size code letter R: s-method
25 Charts s-D to s-R — Acceptance curves for combined control of double specification limits: s-method
Annex A (normative) Table for determining the sample size code letter
Annex B (normative) Form k for single sampling plans: s-method
Annex C (normative) Form k for single sampling plans: a-method
Annex D (normative) Values off s for maximum sample standard deviation (MSSD)
Annex E (normative) Values of f a for maximum process standard deviation (MPSD)
Annex F (normative) Estimating the process fraction nonconforming for sample size 3: s-method
Annex G (normative) Single sampling plans of Form p*
Annex H (normative) Values of cu for upper control limit on the sample standard deviation
Annex I (normative) Supplementary acceptability constants for qualifying towards reduced inspection
Annex J (normative) Procedures for obtaining s and Q
Annex K (informative) Consumer's risk qualities
Annex L (informative) Producer's risks
Annex M (informative) Operating characteristics for the a-method
Annex N (informative) Estimating the process fraction nonconforming for sample sizes 3 and 4: s-method
Annex O (normative) Accommodating measurement variability
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