ДСТУ EN 62271-205:2016 Пристрої контрольні розподільчі високовольтні. Частина 205. Компактні розподільчі пристрої на номінальну напругу понад 52 кВ (EN 62271-205:2008, IDT)

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Наказ від 07.09.2016 № 266

EN 62271-205:2008

High-voltage switchgear and controlgear — Part 205: Compact
switchgear assemblies for rated voltages above 52 kV

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 62271-205:2016
(EN 62271-205:2008, IDT)

Пристрої контрольні розподільчі високовольтні. Частина 205. Компактні
розподільчі пристрої на номінальну напругу понад 52 кВ

З наданням чинності від 2016-09-15


1 General

1.1 Scope

1.2 Normative references

2 Normal and special service conditions

3 Terms and definitions

3.1 General terms

3.2 Compact switchgear assembly

4 Rating

4.1 Rated voltage (Ur)

4.2 Rated insulation level

4.3 Rated frequency (fr)

4.4 Rated normal current (Ir) and temperature rise

4.5 Rated short-time withstand current (Ik)

4.6 Rated peak withstand current (Ip)

4.7 Rated duration of short circuit (tk)

4.8 Rated supply voltage of closing and opening devices and of auxiliary and control circuits (Ua)

4.9 Rated supply frequency of closing and opening devices and of auxiliary circuits

5 Design and construction

5.3 Earthing of switchgear and controlgear

5.101 Earthing of compact switchgear assemblies and their controlgear

5.102 Pressure relief devices

5.10 Nameplates

5.12 Position indication

5.103 Locking devices for maintenance operation

5.104 Movement of pressurized devices

5.105 Isolating distance for maintenance

6 Type tests

6.1 General

6.2 Dielectric tests

6.3 Radio interference voltage (r.i.v.) test

6.4 Measurement of the resistance of circuits

6.5 Temperature-rise tests

6.6 Short-time withstand current and peak withstand current tests

6.101 Mechanical and environmental tests

7 Routine tests

7.1 Dielectric test on the main circuit

7.2 Tests on auxiliary and control circuits

7.3 Measurement of the resistance of the main circuit

7.101 Functional tests on auxiliary and control circuits

8 Guide to the selection of switchgear and controlgear

8.101 Guide to the selection of compact switchgear assemblies

9 Information to be given with enquiries, tenders and orders

10 Transport, storage, installation, operation and maintenance

10.1 Conditions during transport, storage and installation

10.2 Installation

10.3 Operation

10.4 Maintenance

11 Safety

Annex AA (informative) Explanations of compact switchgear assemblies

Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications

Annex ZB (informative) A-deviations


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