ДСТУ EN 62040-2:2015 Системи гарантованого електропостачання. Агрегати безперебійного живлення. Частина 2. Вимоги до електромагнітної сумісності (EN 62040-2:2006, IDT). З поправкою № 1

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Наказ від 12.02.2016 № 34

EN 62040-2:2006

Uninterruptible power systems (UPS) - Part 2: Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) requirements

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 62040-2:2015
(EN 62040-2:2006, IDT)

Системи гарантованого електропостачання. Агрегати безперебійного живлення.
Частина 2. Вимоги до електромагнітної сумісності

З наданням чинності від 2016-01-01



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Environment

5 UPS Categories

5.1 UPS of category C1

5.2 UPS of category C2

5.3 UPS of category C3

5.4 UPS of category C4

5.5 Categories and environment

6 Emission 

6.1 General requirements

6.2 General measurement conditions 

6.3 Conducted emissions

6.4 Radiated emissions

7 Immunity

7.1 General requirements and performance criteria

7.2 Basic immunity requirements - High-frequency disturbances

7.3 Immunity to low-frequency signals

7.4 Immunity to power-frequency magnetic field

7.5 Immunity to voltage dips, short interruptions and voltage variations 

Annex A (normative) Electromagnetic emission - Test methods

Annex B (informative) Electromagnetic emission limits and measurement methods of magnetic field - H field 

Annex C (informative) Electromagnetic emission - Limits of signal ports

Annex D (normative) Electromagnetic immunity - Test methods

Annex E (informative) User installation testing

Figure 1 - Examples of ports

Figure A.1 - Circuit for disturbance voltage measurements on mains supply or UPS output

Figure A.2 - Minimum alternative test site

Figure A.3 - Set-up for measurement of conducted emission for table-top units

Figure A.4 - Test set-up for floor-standing units

Figure A.5 - Test configuration for table-top equipment (conducted emission measurement)

Figure A.6 - Test configuration for table-top equipment (conducted emission measurement) - Plan view

Figure A.7 - Alternative test configuration for table-top equipment (conducted emission measurement) - Plan view

Figure A.8 - Test configuration for floor-standing equipment (conducted emission measurement)

Figure A.9 - Test configuration for table-top equipment (radiated emission requirement)

Figure A.10 - Test configuration for floor-standing equipment (radiated emission measurement)

Figure B.1 - Test set-up for measuring radiated disturbances 

Figure D.2 - Phase unbalance

Table 1 - Limits of mains terminal interference voltage frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for category C1 UPS and category C2 UPS equipment

Table 2 - Limits of mains terminal interference voltage frequency range 0,15 MHz to 30 MHz for Category C3 UPS equipment 

Table 3 - Limits of radiated emission in the frequency range 30 MHz to 1 000 MHz

Table 4 - Performance criteria for immunity tests

Table 5 - Minimum immunity requirements for UPS intended for UPS of category C1 

Table 6 - Minimum immunity requirements for UPS of category C2 and C3

Table B.1 - UPS which has a rated output current less than, or equal to 16A

Table B.2 - UPS which has a rated output current greater than 16A 

Table C.1 - Limits of signal ports

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