ДСТУ EN 15232-1:2017 Енергоефективність будівель. Частина 1. Вплив автоматизованих систем моніторингу та управління будівлями. Модулі M10-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10 (EN 15232-1:2017, IDT)

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Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 31.07.2017 № 200

EN 15232-1:2017

 Energy Performance of Buildings — Energy performance of buildings —
Part 1: Impact of Building Automation, Controls and Building Management —
Modules M10-4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9,10

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 15232-1:2017
(EN 15232-1:2017, IDT)

 Енергоефективність будівель. Частина 1. Вплив автоматизованих систем
моніторингу та управління будівлями. Модулі М10-4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,10

З наданням чинності від 2017-08-01


European foreword


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Symbols, subscripts and abbreviations

4.1 Symbols

4.2 Subscripts

5 Description of the method

5.1 Output of the method

5.2 General description of the method(s)

5.3 Selection criteria between the methods

5.4 BAG and TBM functions having an impact on the energy performance of buildings

5.5 BAG Efficiency Glass

5.6 BAG and TBM functions assigned to the BAG efficiency classes

5.7 Applying BAG for EMS and maintaining BAG energy efficiency

5.7.1 General

5.7.2 Applying BAG for EMS

5.7.3 Maintaining BAG energy efficiency

6 Method 1 - Detailed calculation procedure of the BAG contribution to the energy performance of buildings (Detailed method)

6.1 Output data

6.2 Galculation time steps

6.3 Input data - Source of data

6.4 Galculation procedure

6.4.1 Applicable timestep

6.4.2 Energy performance calculation

7 Method 2 - Factor based calculation procedure of the BAG impact on the energy performance of buildings (BAG factor method)

7.1 Output data

7.2 Galculation interval

7.3 Galculation procedure - Energy calculation

8 Simplified input data correlations

9 Quality control

10 Gompliance check

Annex A (informative) BAG efficiency factors

A.1 Overall BAG efficiency factors for the thermal energy fBAC,th

A.2 Overall BAG efficiency factors for electric energy fBAC,el

A.3 Detailed BAG efficiency factors for heating and cooling

A.4 Detailed ВАС efficiency factors for DHW

A.5 Detailed ВАС efficiency factors for lighting and auxiliary energy

Annex В (informative) Minimum ВАС function type requirements

Annex C (informative) Determination of the ВАС efficiency factors

C.1 Determination procedure

C.2 Detailed modelling approaches and user profiles

C.2.1 General

C.2.2 Efficiency class C (reference)

C.2.3 Efficiency class D

C.2.4 Efficiency class В

C.2.5 Efficiency class A

C.3 Boundary condition

C.3.1 General

C.3.2 Office

C.3.3 Hotel

C.3.4 Education, school

C.3.5 Lecture hall

C.3.6 Restaurant

C.3.7 Wholesale centre

C.3.8 Hospital

C.4 ВАС efficiency classes - Domestic Hot Water (DHW)

C.5 Impact of geographical location on the ВАС efficiency factors

C.6 Influence of the different user profiles on the ВАС factors

Annex D (informative) Examples of how to use the ВАС function list of EN ISO 16484-3 to describe functions from this European Standard

D.1 General

D.2 Direct representation by a function defined in EN ISO 16484-3

D.2.1 Example 1 - Night cooling

D.2.2 Example 2 - h,x- directed control

D.3 Representation by a combination of functions defined in EN ISO 16484-3

D.3.1 Example 3 - Individual room automatic control

D.3.2 Example 4 - Outside temperature compensated control

Annex E (informative) Applying ВАС for EMS specified in EN ISO 50001

E.1 General

E.2 Guideline for using BACS for EMS

Annex F (informative) Maintain ВАС energy efficiency

F.1 General

F.2 Activity 1 - Maintain and improve the ВАС efficiency class

F.2.1 General

F.2.2 Monitoring

F.2.3 Operation

F.2.4 Energy Efficiency

F.2.5 Modernizations, Upgrades and new Technologies

F.3 Activity 2 - Upgrading of the ВАС efficiency class

F.3.1 General

F.3.2 Procedure for meeting an ВАС efficiency class

Annex G (informative) Control accuracy


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