ДСТУ EN 14033-1:2015 Залізничний транспорт. Колія. Рейкове будівництво та обслуговування механізму. Частина 1. Технічні вимоги до пробігу (EN 14033-1:2011, IDT)

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Наказ від 25.12.2015 № 205

EN 14033-1:2011

Railway applications - Track - Railbound construction and
maintenance machines - Part 1: Technical requirements for running

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 14033-1:2015
 (EN 14033-1:2011, IDT)

Залізничний транспорт. Колія. Рейкове будівництво та обслуговування
механізму. Частина 1. Технічні вимоги до пробігу

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01




1 Scope

1.1 General

1.2 Validity of the European Standard

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Machine categorisation

4.1 Categories

4.2 Type examination and categories

5 Gauge

5.1 General rules

5.2 Stowing of moveable machine parts in transport positions

6 Frame

6.1 Principal dimensions

6.2 Design of the machine frame

6.3 Lifting and jacking points.

6.4 Stowage points for transport on boats

7 Running gear

7.1 General

7.2 Wheel diameter

7.3 Static axle loading

7.4 Wheel profile

7.5 Shape and dimensions of the axles and wheelsets

7.6 Axle arrangement and axle loads

7.7 Design for longitudinal compressive forces

7.8 Lifeguards

8 Running safety

8.1 Running tests

8.2 Running safety on track twists

8.3 Running simulation

9 Brakes

9.1 Compulsory braking equipment

9.2 Characteristics

9.2.1 Performance

9.2.2 Mechanical characteristics of the brake

9.2.3 Automatic compressed air brake

9.2.4 Direct brake

9.2.5 Brake functions to keep a machine stationary

9.2.6 Dynamic brake

9.2.7 Emergency brake

9.2.8 Brake distributor controls

9.2.9 Other brake systems

9.3 Air reservoirs

9.4 Compressed air production of self-propelled machines

9.5 Brake hose connections

9.6 Special braking equipment

10 Buffing and draw gear

10.1 Couplings

10.2 Buffers

10.3 Interaction forces between the machine and coupled vehicles

10.4 Space to be kept free at the end of the machine

10.5 Buffer handrail

10.6 Shunters step

11 Operation of track circuits, axle-counters, treadles for level crossings, hot box detectors and unreleased brake detectors

11.1 Operation of track circuits

11.2 Operation of axle-counters and treadles for level crossings

11.3 Operation of hot axle box and unreleased brake detectors

12 Running safety equipment

12.1 Indication equipment

12.2 Data recorder

13 Warning equipment and lights

13.1 Warning horns

13.2 Lamp brackets and marker lights

13.2.1 Lamp brackets

13.2.2 Arrangement of marker lights

13.2.3 Light characteristics

13.2.4 Additional devices

13.2.5 Light switching arrangements

14 Drivers cabs and driving positions

14.1 General

14.2 Access to cab

14.2.1 General

14.2.2 Steps, handrails, platforms and railings

14.2.3 Doors

14.3 Interior of cab

14.3.1 Drivers position

14.3.2 Additional seats

14.3.3 Layout of drivers cab(s)

14.3.4 Windscreens

14.3.5 Side windows

14.4 Heating, cooling and ventilation

14.5 Internal lighting

14.6 Area of visibility

14.7 Drivers desks

14.8 Controls and indicators

14.9 Drivers and assistants seats

14.10 Equipment and controls

14.10.1 Minimum equipment necessary for the driving of the machine

14.10.2 Equipment necessary for the monitoring of the machine

14.10.3 Arrangement of instruments for the drivers assistant

14.10.4 Miscellaneous accessories

15 Safety design features

15.1 Electrical protection measures

15.2 Mechanical protection measures

15.3 Fire protection

15.4 Electromagnetic compatibility

16 Environmental protection

16.1 General

16.2 Carriage and storage of fuel and oil

16.3 Tanks and equipment

16.3.1 Fuel tanks and pipework

16.3.2 Hydraulic oil circuit

16.4 Power equipment

17 Machine marking

17.1 Lettering on the machine

17.2 Machine identification number

17.3 Details of the railway infrastructure where the machine is allowed to run

18 Machine data and maintenance book

18.1 Maintenance schedule

18.2 Maintenance manual

Annex A (normative) Application of technical requirements to machines categories

Annex B (informative) Special national conditions

Annex C (normative) Machine diagram with gauge and critical points

Annex D (normative) Free space at the end of the machine

Annex E (normative) Steps, handrails and door handles

Annex F (normative) Identification plate

Annex G (normative) Technical documentation for operators

Annex H (normative) Marking

Annex I (informative) Technical documentation

Annex J (informative) On board safety equipment

Annex K (informative) Structure of European Standards for track construction and maintenance machines

Annex L (informative) Migration rule for this European Standard

Annex ZA (informative) Relationship between this European Standard and the Essential Requirements of EU Directive 2008/57/EC


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