ДСТУ EN 60947-2:2015 Пристрої комплектні розподільчі низьковольтні. Частина 2. Автоматичні вимикачі (EN 60947-2:2006, IDT). Зі змінами № 1, 2

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«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 12.02.2016 № 34

EN 60947-2:2006

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 60947-2:2015
(EN 60947-2:2006, IDT)

Пристрої комплектні розподільчі низьковольтні. Частина 2. Автоматичні вимикачі

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01


Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 12.02.2016 № 34

EN 60947-2:2006/A1:2009

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers

прийнято як зміна до національного стандарту
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 60947-2:2015/Зміна № 1:2015
(EN 60947-2:2006/A1:2009, IDT

Пристрої комплектні розподільчі низьковольтні. Частина 2. Автоматичні вимикачі

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01


Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 12.02.2016 № 34

EN 60947-2:2006/A2:2013

Low-voltage switchgear and controlgear - Part 2: Circuit-breakers

прийнято як зміна до національного стандарту
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 60947-2:2015/Зміна № 2:2015
(EN 60947-2:2006/A2:2013, IDT

Пристрої комплектні розподільчі низьковольтні. Частина 2. Автоматичні вимикачі

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01


1 General

1.1 Scope and object

1.2 Normative references

2 Definitions

3 Classification

4 Characteristics of circuit-breakers

4.1 Summary of characteristics

4.2 Type of circuit-breaker

4.3 Rated and limiting values of the main circuit

4.4 Utilization categories

4.5 Control circuits

4.6 Auxiliary circuits

4.7 Releases

4.8 Integral fuses (integrally fused circuit-breakers)

5 Product information

5.1 Nature of the information

5.2 Marking

5.3 Instructions for installation, operation and maintenance

6 Normal service, mounting and transport conditions

7 Constructional and performance requirements

7.1 Constructional requirements

7.2 Performance requirements

7.3 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)

8 Tests

8.1 Kind of tests

8.2 Compliance with constructional requirements

8.3 Type tests

8.4 Routine tests

8.5 Special - Damp heat, salt mist, vibration and shock

Annex A (normative) Co-ordination under short-circuit conditions between a circuit-breaker and another short-circuit protective device associated in the same circuit

Annex В (normative) Circuit-breakers incorporating residual current protection

Annex С (normative) Individual pole short-circuit test sequence

Annex D Vacant

Annex E (informative) Items subject to agreement between manufacturer and user

Annex F (normative) Additional tests for circuit-breakers with electronic over-current protection

Annex G (normative) Power loss

Annex H (normative) Test sequence for circuit-breakers for IT systems

Annex J (normative) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Requirements and test methods for circuit-breakers

Annex К (informative) Glossary of symbols related to products covered by this standard

Annex L (normative) Circuit-breakers not fulfilling the requirements for overcurrent protection

Annex M (normative) Modular residual current devices (without integral currentbreaking device)

Annex N (normative) Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Additional requirements and test methods for devices not covered by Annexes B, F and M

Annex О Instantaneous trip circuit-breakers (ICB)

Annex ZA (normative) Normative references to international publications with their corresponding European publications

Annex ZZ (informative) Coverage of Essential Requirements of EU Directives


Figure 1 - Test arrangement (connecting cables not shown) for short-circuit tests

Figure A.1 - Over-current co-ordination between a circuit-breaker and a fuse or back­up protection by a fuse: operating characteristics

Figure A.2 Figure A .3

Total selectivity between two circuit-breakers

Figure A.4 Figure A.5

Back-up protection by a circuit-breaker - Operating characteristics

Figure A.6 - Example of test circuit for conditional short-circuit breaking capacity tests showing cable connections for a З-pole circuit-breaker (C1)

Figure B.1 - Test circuit for the verification of the operating characteristic (see B.8.2)

Figure B.2 - Test circuit for the verification of the limiting value of the non-operating current under over-current conditions (see B.8.5)

Figure B.3 - Test circuit for the verification of the behaviour of CBRs classified under В. (see B.8.9)

Figure B.4 - Current ring wave 0,5 ps/100 kHz

Figure B.5 - Example of test circuit for the verification of resistance to unwanted tripping

Figure B.6 - Surge current wave 8/20 ps

Figure B.7 - Test circuit for the verification of resistance to unwanted tripping in case of flashover without follow-on current (B.8.6.2)

Figure B.8 - Test circuit for the verification of the correct operation of CBRs, in the case of residual pulsating direct currents (see B., B. and B.8.7.2 .3 )

Figure B.9 - Test circuit for the verification of the correct operation of CBRs, in the case of a residual pulsating direct current superimposed by a smooth direct residual current (see B.

Figure F.1 - Representation of test current produced by back-to-back thyristors in accordance with F.4.1

Figure F.2 - Test circuit for immunity and emission tests in accordance with F.4.1.3, F.4.2, F.4.3, F.4.6, F.4.7.1, F.5.4 and F.6.2 - Two phase poles in series

Figure F.3 - Test circuit for immunity and emission tests in accordance with F.4.1.3, F.4.2, F.4.3, F.4.6, F.4.7.1, F.5.4 and F.6.2 - Three phase poles in series

Figure F.4 - Test circuit for immunity and emission tests in accordance with F.4.1.3, F.4.2, F.4.3, F.4.6, F.4.7.1, F.5.4 and F.6.2 - Three-phase connection

Figure F.5 - Test current for the verification of the influence of the current dips and interruptions in accordance with F.4.7.1

Figure F.6 - Circuit for electrical fast transients/bursts (EFT/B) immunity test in accordance with F.4.4 - Two phase poles in series

Figure F.7 - Circuit for electrical fast transients/bursts (EFT/B) immunity test in accordance with F.4.4 - Three phase poles in series

Figure F.8 - Circuit for electrical fast transients/bursts (EFT/B) immunity test in accordance with F.4.4 - Three-phase connection

Figure F.9 - Test circuit for the verification of the influence of surges in the main circuit (line-to-earth) in accordance with F.4.5 - Two phase poles in series

Figure F.10 - Test circuit for the verification of the influence of surges in the main circuit (line-to-earth) in accordance with F.4.5 - Three phase poles in series

Figure F.11 - Test circuit for the verification of the influence of surges in the main circuit (line-to-earth) in accordance with F.4.5 - Three-phase connection

Figure F.12 - Test circuit for the verification of the influence of current surges in the main circuit in accordance with F.4.5 - Two phase poles in series

Figure F.13 - Test circuit for the verification of the influence of current surges in the main circuit in accordance with F.4.5 - Three phase poles in series

Figure F.14 - Test circuit for the verification of the influence of current surges in the main circuit in accordance with F.4.5 - Three-phase connection

Figure F.15 - Temperature variation cycles at a specified rate of change in accordance with F.9.1

Figure F.16 - General test set up for immunity tests

Figure F.17 - Test set up for the verification of immunity to radiated r.f. electromagnetic fields

Figure F.18 - Test set up for the verification of immunity to electrical fast transients/bursts (EFT/B) on power lines

Figure F.19 - Test set up for verification of immunity to electrical fast transients/bursts (EFT/B) on signal lines

Figure F.20 - General test set-up for the verification of immunity to conducted disturbances induced by r.f. fields (common mode)

Figure F.21 - Arrangement of connections for the verification of immunity to conducted disturbances induced by r.f. fields - Two phase poles in series configuration

Figure F.22 - Arrangement of connections for the verification of immunity to conducted disturbances induced by r.f. fields - Three phase poles in series configuration

Figure F.23 - Arrangement of connections for the verification of immunity to conducted disturbances induced by r.f. fields - Three-phase configuration

Figure G.1 - Example of power loss measurement according to G.2.1

Figure G.2 - Example of power loss measurement according to G.2.2 and G.2.3

Figure J.1 - EUT mounted in a metallic enclosure

Figure J.2 - Test set up for the measurement of radiated r.f. emissions

Figure J.3 - Test set up for the verification of immunity to electrostatic discharges

Figure J.4 - Test set up for the verification of immunity to radiated r.f. electromagnetic fields

Figure J.5 - Test set up for the verification of immunity to electrical fast transients/bursts (EFT/B) on power lines

Figure J.6 - Test set up for the verification of immunity to electrical fast transients/bursts (EFT/B) on signal lines

Figure K.1 - Relationship between symbols and tripping characteristics

Figure K.2 - Template for characteristics of cut-off current versus prospective current from 1 kA to 200 kA

Figure K.3 - Template for characteristics of cut-off current versus prospective current from 0,01 kA to 200 kA

Figure K.4 - Template for characteristics of let-through energy versus prospective current from 1 kA to 200 kA

Figure K.5 - Template for characteristics of let-through energy versus prospective current from 0,01 kA to 200 kA

Figure K.6 - Example of the use of template K.2

Figure K.7 - Example of the use of template K.4

Figure M.1 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a steady increase of residual current

Figure M.2 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a sudden appearance of residual current (with breaking device)

Figure M.3 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a sudden appearance of residual current (without breaking device)

Figure M.4 - Test circuits for the verification of the limiting value of non-operating current under overcurrent conditions

Figure M.5 - Test circuits for the verification of the resistance to unwanted tripping in the case of loading of the network capacitance

Figure M.6 - Test circuit for the verification of the resistance to unwanted tripping in the case of flashover without follow-on current

Figure M.7 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a continuous rise of a residual pulsating direct current

Figure M.8 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a sudden appearance of residual pulsating direct current (without breaking device)

Figure M.9 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a sudden appearance of residual pulsating direct current (with breaking device)

Figure M.10 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a residual pulsating direct current superimposed by smooth direct current of 6 mA

Figure M.11 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a slowly rising residual smooth direct current

Figure M.12 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a sudden appearance of residual smooth direct current (without breaking device)

Figure M.13 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a sudden appearance of residual smooth direct current (with breaking device)

Figure M.14 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a slowly rising residual current resulting from a fault in a circuit fed by a three-pulse star or a six-pulse bridge connection

Figure M.15 - Test circuits for the verification of operation in the case of a slowly rising residual current resulting from a fault in a circuit fed by a two-pulse bridge connection line-to-line

Figure М.16 - Test circuit for the verification of the behaviour of MRCDs with separate sensing means in the case of a failure of the sensor means connection

Figure M.17 - Test circuit for the verification of the behaviour of MRCD with separate sensing means under short-circuit conditions

Figure M.18 - Test circuit for the verification of the behaviour of MRCD with integral sensing means under short-circuit conditions

Figure M.19 - Test circuit for the verification of the behaviour of terminal type MRCD under short-circuit conditions

Figure M.20 - Verification of immunity to radiated r.f. electromagnetic fields - Test set-up for MRCD with separate sensing means (additional to the test of Annex B)

Figure M.21 - Verification of immunity to electrical fast transients/bursts (EFT/B) on the sensing means connection of an MRCD with separate sensing means (additional to the test of Annex B)

Figure M.22 - Verification of immunity to conducted disturbances induced by r.f. fields - Test set up for MRCD with separate sensing means (additional to the test of Annex B)

Table 1 (void)

Table 2 - Ratio n between short-circuit making capacity and short-circuit breaking capacity and related power factor (for a.c. circuit-breakers)

Table 3 - Minimum values of rated short-time withstand current

Table 4 - Utilization categories

Table 5 - Preferred values of the rated control supply voltage, if different from that of the main circuit

Table 6 - Characteristics of the opening operation of inverse time-delay over-current opening releases at the reference temperature

Table 7 - Temperature-rise limits for terminals and accessible parts

Table 8 - Number of operating cycles

Table 9 - Overall schema of test sequences a

Table 9a - Applicability of test sequences according to the relationship between Ics, Icu and Icw

Table 9b - Applicability of tests or test sequences to four-pole circuit-breakers in a given frame size and design when tested according to the alternative programme 1 of

Table 9c - Applicability of tests or test sequences to 3-pole circuit-breakers in a given frame size and design when tested according to the alternative programme 2 of

Table 10 - Number of samples for test

Table 11 - Values of power factors and time constants corresponding to test currents

Table 12 - Test circuit characteristics for overload performance

Table B.1 - Operating characteristic for non-time-delay type

Table B.2 - Operating characteristic for time-delay-type having a limiting non­actuating time of 0,06 s

Table B.3 - Requirements for CBRs functionally dependent on line voltage

Table B.4 - Additional test sequences

Table B.5 - Tripping current range for CBRs in case of an earth fault comprising a d.c. component

Table F.1 - Test parameters for current dips and interruptions

Table J.1 - EMC - Immunity tests

Table J.2 - Reference data for immunity test specifications

Table J.3 - EMC - Emission tests

Table J.4 - Reference data for emission test specifications

Table M.1 - Product information

Table M.2 - Requirements for MRCDs with voltage source

Table M.3 - Test sequences

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