ДСТУ EN 61347-1:2015 Пристрої керування лампами. Частина 1. Загальні вимоги та вимоги щодо безпеки (EN 61347-1:2015, IDT)

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Наказ від 12.02.2016 № 34

EN 61347-1:2015

Lamp controlgear - Part 1: General and safety requirements

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 61347-1:2015
(EN 61347-1:2015, IDT)

Пристрої керування лампами. Частина 1. Загальні вимоги та вимоги щодо безпеки

З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 General requirements

5 General notes on tests

6 Classification

7 Marking

7.1 Items to be marked

7.2 Durability and legibility of marking

8 Terminals

9 Earthing

9.1 Provisions for protective earthing (Symbol: IEC 60417-5019 (2006-08))

9.2 Provisions for functional earthing (Symbol: IEC 60417-5018 (2011-07))

9.3 Lamp controlgear with conductors for protective earthing by tracks on printed circuit boards

9.4 Earthing of built-in lamp controlgear

9.5 Earthing via independent controlgear

9.5.1 Earth connection to other equipment

9.5.2 Earthing of the lamp compartments powered via the independent lamp controlgear

10 Protection against accidental contact with live parts

11 Moisture resistance and insulation

12 Electric strength

13 Thermal endurance test for windings of ballasts

14 Fault conditions

15 Construction

15.1 Wood, cotton, silk, paper and similar fibrous material

15.2 Printed circuits

15.3 Plugs and socket-outlets used in SELV or ELV circuits

15.4 Insulation between circuits and accessible parts

15.4.1 General

15.4.2 SELV circuits

15.4.3 FELV circuits

15.4.4 Other circuits

15.4.5 Insulation between circuits and accessible conductive parts

16 Creepage distances and clearances

16.1 General

16.2 Creepage distances

16.2.1 General

16.2.2 Minimum creepage distances for working voltages

16.2.3 Creepage distances for working voltages with frequencies above 30 kHz

16.2.4 Compliance with the required creepage distances

16.3 Clearances

16.3.1 General

16.3.2 Clearances for working voltages

16.3.3 Clearances for ignition voltages and working voltages with higher frequencies

16.3.4 Compliance with the required clearances

17 Screws, current-carrying parts and connections

18 Resistance to heat, fire and tracking

19 Resistance to corrosion

20 No-load output voltage

Annex A (normative) Test to establish whether a conductive part is a live part which may cause an electric shock

A.1 General test requirements

A.2 Limits for measured voltages

A.3 Limits for touch current

Annex B (normative) Particular requirements for thermally protected lamp controlgear

B.1 Introductory remark

B.2 General

B.3 Terms and definitions

B.4 General requirements for thermally protected lamp controlgear

B.5 General notes on tests

B.6 Classification

B.6.1 General

B.6.2 According to the class of protection

B.6.3 According to the type of protection

B.7 Marking

B.8 Thermal endurance of windings

B.9 Lamp controlgear heating

B.9.1 Preselection test

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