ДСТУ ITU-T Y.1541:2019 Показники продуктивності мережі для IP-послуг (ITU-T Y.1541:2011, IDT)
Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 11.07.2019 № 200
ITU-T Y.1541 (12/2011)
Network performance objectives
or IP-based services
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ ITU-T Y.1541:2019
(ITU-T Y.1541:2011, IDT)
Показники продуктивності мережі
для IP-послуг
З наданням чинності від 2019–09–01
Table of Contents
1 Introduction and Scope
1.1 Introduction
1.2 Scope
2 References
3 Abbreviations, acronyms and conventions
3.1 Abbreviations and acronyms
3.2 Conventions
4 Transfer capacity, capacity agreements, and the applicability of QoS classes
5 Network performance objectives
5.1 General discussion of QoS
5.2 Reference path for UNI to UNI QoS
5.3 Network QoS classes
6 Availability objectives
7 Achievement of the performance objectives
8 Concatenating network sections and their QoS values
8.1 Introduction
8.2 Composing UNI-UNI values
8.3 Impairment accumulation procedures
9 Security
Appendix I – ATM network QoS support of IP QoS
Appendix II – IP delay variation parameter definition considerations
Appendix III – Example hypothetical reference paths for validating the IP performance objectives
Appendix IV – Example calculations of IP packet delay variation
Appendix V – Material relevant to IP performance measurement methods
Appendix VI – Applicability of the Y.1221 transfer capabilities and IETF differentiated services to IP QoS classes
Appendix VII – Effects of network QoS on end-to-end speech transmission performance as perceived by the user
Appendix VIII – Effects of IP network performance on digital television transmission QoS 38 VIII.1 Introduction
Appendix IX – Effects of network QoS on end-to-end data transmission performance using TCP
Appendix X – An example showing how to calculate IPDV across multiple sections
Appendix XI – Digital circuit (ISDN) emulation requirements on IP-based networks
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