ДСТУ EN 62606:2014 Пристрої виявлення короткого замикання через дугу. Загальні вимоги (EN 62606:2013, IDT)
Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 29.12.2014 № 1483
Наказ від 15.07.2019 № 207
EN 62606:2013
General requirements for arc fault
detection devices
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ EN 62606:2014
Пристрої виявлення короткого замикання через дугу.
Загальні вимоги
(EN 62606:2013, IDT)
З наданням чинності від 2016–01–01
Поновлено чинність від 2019–07–18
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Classification
4.1 According to the method of construction
4.2 According to the method of mounting and connection
4.3 According to the number of poles and current paths
4.4 AFDD providing monitoring information
5 Characteristics of AFDDs
5.1 Summary of characteristics and conditions to mitigate the risk of fire
5.2 Rated quantities and other characteristics
5.3 Standard and preferred values
5.4 Standard value of rated impulse withstand voltage (Uimp)
5.5 Coordination with short-circuit protective devices (SCPDs)
6 Marking and other product information
6.1 Marking
6.2 Additional marking for AFDDs according to 4.1.1
7 Standard conditions for operation in service and for installation
7.1 Standard conditions
7.2 Conditions of installation
7.3 Pollution degree
8 Requirements for construction and operation
8.1 General
8.2 Mechanical design
8.3 Protection against electric shock
8.4 Dielectric properties and isolating capability
8.5 Temperature rise
8.6 Operating characteristics
8.7 Mechanical and electrical endurance
8.8 Performance at short-circuits currents
8.9 Resistance to mechanical shock and impact
8.10 Resistance to heat
8.11 Resistance to abnormal heat and to fire
8.12 Behaviour of AFDDs in case of overcurrents in the main circuit
8.13 Behaviour of AFDDs in case of current surges caused by impulse voltages
8.14 Reliability
8.15 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
8.16 Masking test for correct operation behaviour in presence of various appliances connected to the load side
8.17 Performance of the AFD test device
9 Testing procedure
9.1 General
9.2 Test conditions
9.3 Test of indelibility of marking
9.4 Test of reliability of screws, current-carrying parts and connections
9.5 Test of reliability of terminals for external conductors
9.6 Verification of protection against electric shock
9.7 Test of dielectric properties
9.8 Test of temperature-rise
9.9 Verification of the operating characteristics
9.10 Verification of mechanical and electrical endurance
9.11 Verification of the behaviour of the AFDD under short-circuit conditions
9.12 Verification of resistance to mechanical shock and impact
9.13 Test of resistance to heat
9.14 Test of resistance to abnormal heat and to fire
9.15 Verification of the trip-free mechanism
9.16 Test of resistance to rusting
9.17 Verification of limiting values of the non-operating current under overcurrent conditions
9.18 Verification of behaviour of AFDDs in case of current surges caused by impulse voltages
9.19 Verification of reliability
9.20 Verification of ageing of electronic components
9.21 Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC)
9.22 Verification of protection due to overvoltage due to a broken neutral in a three phase system
Annex A (normative) Test sequence and number of samples to be submitted for certification purposes
Annex B (normative) Determination of clearances and creepage distances
Annex C (normative) Arrangement for the detection of the emission of ionized gases during short-circuit tests
Annex D (normative) Additional requirements and tests for AFDDs according to the classification 4.1.3 designed to be assembled on site together with a main protective device (circuit-breaker or RCCB or RCBO)
Annex E (normative) Routine tests
Annex F (informative) Description of the shaker arc test in 9.10.2
Annex IA (informative) Methods of determination of short-circuit power-factor
Annex IB (informative) Examples of terminal designs
Annex IC (informative) Correspondence between ISO and AWG copper conductors
Annex ID (informative) Follow-up testing program for AFDDs
Annex IE (informative) SCPDs for short-circuit tests
Annex J (normative) Particular requirements for AFDDs with screwless type terminals for external copper conductors
Annex K (normative) Particular requirements for AFDDs with flat quick-connect terminations
Annex L (normative) Specific requirements for AFDDs with screw-type terminals for external untreated aluminium conductors and with aluminium screw-type terminals for use with copper or with aluminium conductors
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