ДСТУ EN 60079-18:2017 Взрывоопасные среды. Часть 18. Электрическое оборудование. Вид взрывозащиты: герметизация m (EN 60079-18:2015, IDT)
Державне підприємство «Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 25.07.2017 № 192
EN 60079-18:2015
Explosive atmospheres
Equipment protection by
encapsulation «m»
прийнято як національний стандарт
методом підтвердження за
Вибухонебезпечні середовища.
Частина 18. Електричне устатковання. Вид вибухозахисту: «герметизація «m»
З наданням чинності від 2017-07-26
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 General
4.1 Level of protection (equipment protection level (EPL))
4.2 Additional requirements for levels of protection “ma” and “mb”
4.3 Additional requirements for level of protection “ma”
4.4 Rated voltage and prospective short circuit current
5 Requirements for compounds
5.1 General
5.2 Specification
5.3 Properties of the compound
5.3.1 Water absorption
5.3.2 Dielectric strength
6 Temperatures
6T General
6.2 Determination of the limiting temperatures
6.2.5 Maximum surface temperature
6.2.2 Temperature of the compound
6.3 Temperature limitation
7 Constructional requirements
7.1 General
7.2 Determination of faults
7.2.5 Fault examination
7.2.2 Components considered as not subject to fail
7.2.3 Isolating components
7.2.4 Infallible separation distances
7.3 Free space in the encapsulation
7.3.5 Group III “m” equipment
7.3.2 Group I and Group II “m” equipment
7.4 Thickness of the compound
7.4.5 “m” equipment
7.4.2 Windings for electrical machines
7.4.3 Rigid, multi-layer printed wiring boards with through connections
7.5 Switching contacts
7.5.5 General
7.5.2 Level of protection “ma”
7.5.3 Level of protection “mb”
7.5.4 Level of protection “mc”
7.6 External connections
7.6.5 General
7.6.2 Additional requirements for “ma” equipment
7.7 Protection of bare live parts
7.2 Cells and batteries
7.2.5 General
7.8.2 Prevention of gassing
7.8.3 Protection against inadmissible temperatures and damage to the cells or batteries
7.8.4 Reverse current
7.8.5 Current limitation
7.8.6 Protection against the polarity inversion and deep discharge of the cells
7.8.7 Charging of cells or batteries
7.8.8 Requirements for control safety devices for cells or batteries
7.9 Protective devices
7.9.1 General
7.9.2 Electrical protective devices
7.9.3 Thermal protective devices
7.9.4 Built-in protective devices
8 Type tests
8.1 Tests on the compound
8.1.1 Water absorption test
8.1.2 Dielectric strength test
8.2 Tests on the apparatus
8.2.1 Test sequence
8.2.2 Maximum temperature
8.2.3 Thermal endurance test
8.2.4 Dielectric strength test
8.2.5 Cable pull test
8.2.6 Pressure test for Group I and Group II electrical equipment
8.2.7 Test for resettable thermal protective device
8.2.8 Sealing test for built-in protective devices
9 Routine verifications and tests
9.1 Visual inspections
9.2 Dielectric strength test
14 Marking
Annex A (informative) Basic requirements for compounds for “m” equipment
Annex B (informative) Allocation of test samples
Figure 1 - Dimensional key for thickness through the compound
Figure 2 - Minimum distances for multi-layer printed wiring boards
Figure 3 - Fitting of blocking diodes
Figure A.1 - Basic requirements for compounds for “m” equipment
Table 1 - Distances through the compound
Table 2 - Minimum thickness of compound adjacent to free space for Group III “m” equipment
Table 3 - Minimum tickness of compound adjacent to free space for Group I and Group II “m” equipment
Table 4 - Thickness of the compound
Table 5 - Minimum distances for multi-layer printed wiring boards
Table 6 - Test pressure
Table B.1 - Allocation of test samples
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