ДСТУ OIML D 11:2018 Загальні вимоги до засобів вимірювальної техніки. Умови навколишнього середовища (OIML D11:2013, IDT)

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«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
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Наказ від 08.06.2018 № 157

OIML D 11:2013

General requirements for measuring instruments —
Environmental conditions

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ OIML D 11:2018
(OIML D11:2013, IDT)

Загальні вимоги до засобів вимірювальної техніки.
Умови навколишнього середовища

З наданням чинності від 2018–06–15



1 Introduction

2 Scope and field of application

3 Terminology

4 Instructions for use of this Document in drafting OIML Recommendations

5 Requirements for measuring instruments with respect to their environment

5.1 General requirements

5.2 Application

5.3 Measuring instruments equipped with checking facilities

5.4 Measuring instruments equipped with durability protection facilities

5.5 Requirements for battery powered instruments

6 Type evaluation

6.1 Application for type evaluation

6.2 General requirements

6.3 Instrument performance tests

6.4 Instrument durability tests

6.5 Test program

6.6 Test procedures

6.7 Number of specimens to be submitted to tests

6.8 Test arrangement (Equipment under test (EUT))

7 Initial verification

8 Determination of test levels

8.1 Introduction

8.2 Ambient classification and associated required severity of the climatic tests

8.3 Ambient classification and associated required severity of mechanical tests

8.4 Classification of EM environment and the associated required severity of electromagnetic tests

8.5 Additional guidance for battery powered instruments

9 Instrument performance tests (general)

9.1 Preliminary remarks

9.2 Test considerations

10 Climate related performance tests

10.1 Static temperatures

10.2 Damp heat

10.3 Water

10.4 Atmospheric pressure

10.5 Sand and dust

10.6 Salt mist

11 Mechanical performance tests

11.1 Vibration

11.2 Mechanical shock

12 External wiring and mains power supply related performance tests

12.1 DC mains variations (within network specification)

12.2 AC mains variations (within network specification)

12.3 Mains power disturbances

12.4 Other disturbances introduced through conduction by connected external wiring

13 Electromagnetic environment related disturbances

13.1 Mains power frequency electromagnetic field

13.2 Immunity to RF Electromagnetic fields

13.3 Immunity to electrostatic discharges

14 Battery and non-mains power supply related performance tests

14.1 Low voltage of internal battery

14.2 Power from external 12 V and 24 V road vehicle batteries

Annex A Documentation for type evaluation (Informative)

Annex B Durability assessment (Informative)

Annex C Facility for tests on barometric pressure (Informative)

Annex D Bibliography and notes (Informative)

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