ДСТУ EN 54-2:2003 Системы пожарной сигнализации. Часть 2. Приборы приемно-контрольные пожарные (EN 54-2:1997/AC:1999, IDT). Поправка № 1:2019

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ДСТУ EN 54-2:2003
(EN 54-2:1997/AC:1999, IDT). Поправка № 1:2019

Системи пожежної сигналізації.
Частина 2. Прилади приймально-контрольні пожежні


Не є офіційним виданням.
Офіційне видання розповсюджує національний орган стандартизації
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ» http://uas.gov.ua)




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Definitions and abbreviations

3.1 Definitions

3.2 Abbreviations

4 General requirements

5 General requirements for indications

5.1 Display of functional conditions

5.2 Display of indications

5.3 Indications on alphanumeric displays

5.4 Indication of the supply of power

5.5 Audible indications

5.6 Additional indications

6 The quiescent condition

7 The fire alarm condition

7.1 Reception and processing of fire signals (see also annex C)

7.2 Indication of the fire alarm condition

7.3 Indication of the zones in alarm (see also annex D)

7.4 Audible indication

7.5 Other indications during the fire alarm condition

7.6 Reset from the fire alarm condition

7.7 Output of the fire alarm condition

7.8 Output to fire alarm devices (option with requirements -see also 8.2.5.a) and 9.4.2. a))

7.9 Output to fire alarm routing equipment (option with requirements - see also 8.2.5.b) and 9.4.2. b))

7.10 Output to fire protection equipment (option with requirements - see also 8.2.4.f) and 9.4. l.b))

7.11 Delays to outputs (option with requirements - see also 9.4.2.c) and annex E)

7.12 Со-incidence detection (option with requirements)

7.13 Alarm counter (option with requirements)

8 Fault warning condition (see also annex F)

8.1 Reception and processing of fault signals

8.2 Indication of faults in specified functions

8.3 Fault signals from points (option with requirements)

8.4 Total loss of the power supply (option with requirements)

8.5 System fault

8.6 Audible indication

8.7 Reset of fault indications

8.8 Fault output

8.9 Output to fault warning routing equipment (option with requirements - see also 9.4.1.C))

9 Disabled condition

9.1 General requirements

9.2 Indication of the disabled condition

9.3 Indication of specific disablements

9.4 Disablements and their indication

9.5 Disablement of addressable points (option with requirements)

10 Test condition (option with requirements)

10.1 General requirements

10.2 Indication of the test condition

10.3 Indication of zones in the test state

11 Standardized input/output interface (option with requirements - see also annex G)

12 Design requirements

12.1 General requirements and manufacturer's declarations

12.2 Documentation

12.3 Mechanical design requirements

12.4 Electrical and other design requirements

12.5 Integrity of transmission paths (see also annex H)

12.6 Accessibility of indications and controls (see also annex A)

12.7 Indications by means of light emitting indicators

12.8 Indications on alphanumeric displays

12.9 Colours of indications

12.10 Audible indications

12.11 Testing of indicators

13 Additional design requirements for software controlled control and indicating equipments

13.1 General requirements and manufacturer's declarations

13.2 Software documentation

13.3 Software design

13.4 Program monitoring (see also annex J)

13.5 The storage of programs and data (see also annex J)

13.6 The monitoring of memory contents

13.7 Operation of the c.i.e in the event of a system fault

14 Marking

15 Tests

15.1 General

15.2 Functional test

15.3 Environmental tests

15.4 Cold (operational)

15.5 Damp heat, steady state (operational)

15.6 Impact (operational)

15.7 Vibration, sinusoidal (operational)

15.8 Electrostatic discharges (operational)

15.9 Radiated electromagnetic interference (operational)

15.10 Voltage transients - fast transient bursts (operational)

15.11 Voltage transients - slow high energy transients (operational)

15.12 Mains voltage dips and interruptions (operational)

15.13 Supply voltage variation (operational)

15.14 Damp heat, steady state (endurance)

15.15 Vibration, sinusoidal (endurance)

Annex A (informative) Explanation of access levels

Annex В (informative) Optional functions with requirements and alternatives

Annex C (informative) Processing of signals from fire detectors

Annex D (informative) Explanation of zones and the zonal indication of fire alarms

Annex E (informative) Delays to outputs

Annex F (informative) Fault recognition and indication

Annex G (informative) Standardized input/output interface for the connection of ancillary equipment (e.g. a fire brigade panel)

Annex H (informative) Integrity of transmission paths

Annex J (informative) Design requirements for software controlled control and indicating equipments

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