ДСТУ EN 12845:2016 Стаціонарні системи пожежогасіння. Автоматичні спринклерні системи. Проектування, монтування та технічне обслуговування (EN 12845:2015, IDT)

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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 11.08.2016 № 236

EN 12845:2015

Fixed firefighting systems-Automatic sprinkler systems-Design, installation and maintenance

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 12845:2016 (EN 12845:2015, IDТ)

Стаціонарні системи пожежогасіння.Автоматичні спринклерні системи.
Проектування, монтування та технічне обслуговування

З наданням чинності від 2016-09-01




1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Contract planning and documentation

4.1 General

4.2 Initial considerations

4.3 Preliminary or estimating stage

4.4 Design stage

4.4.1 General

4.4.2 Summary schedule

4.4.3 Installation layout drawings

4.4.4 Water supply

5 Extent of sprinkler protection

5.1 Buildings and areas to be protected

5.1.1 General

5.1.2 Permitted exceptions within a building

5.1.3 Necessary exceptions

5.2 Storage in the open air

5.3 Fire resistant separation

5.4 Protection of concealed spaces

5.5 Height difference between the highest and lowest sprinklers

6 Classification of occupancies and fire hazards

6.1 General

6.2 Hazard classes

6.2.1 General

6.2.2 Light Hazard - LH

6.2.3 Ordinary Hazard - OH

6.2.4 High Hazard - HH

6.3 Storage

6.3.1 General

6.3.2 Storage Configuration

7 Hydraulic design criteria

7.1 LH, OH and HHP

7.2 High Hazard Storage - HHS

7.2.1 General

7.2.2 Ceiling or roof protection only

7.2.3 Intermediate level in-rack sprinklers

7.3 Pressure and flow requirements for pre-calculated systems

7.3.1 LH and OH systems

7.3.2 HHP and HHS systems without in-rack sprinklers

8 Water supplies

8.1 General

8.1.1 Duration

8.1.2 Continuity

8.1.3 Frost protection

8.2 Maximum water pressure

8.3 Connections for other services

8.4 Housing of equipment for water supplies

8.5 Test facility devices

8.5.1 General

8.5.2 At pump house

8.5.3 At control valve sets

8.6 Water supply test

8.6.1 General

8.6.2 Storage tank and pressure tank supplies

8.6.3 Town main, booster pump, elevated private reservoir and gravity tank supplies

9 Type of water supply

9.1 General

9.2 Town mains

9.3 Storage tanks

9.3.1 General

9.3.2 Water volume

9.3.3 Refill rates for full capacity tanks

9.3.4 Reduced capacity tanks

9.3.5 Effective capacity of tanks and dimensions of suction chambers

9.3.6 Strainers

9.4 Inexhaustible sources - settling and suction chambers

9.5 Pressure tanks

9.5.1 General

9.5.2 Housing

9.5.3 Minimum capacity (water)

9.5.4 Air pressure and contents

9.5.5 Charging with air and water

9.5.6 Control and safety equipment

9.6 Choice of water supply

9.6.1 Single water supplies

9.6.2 Superior single water supplies

9.6.3 Duplicate water supplies

9.6.4 Combined water supplies

9.7 Isolation of water supply

10 Pumps

10.1 General

10.2 Multiple pump arrangements

10.3 Compartments for pumpsets

10.3.1 General

10.3.2 Sprinkler protection

10.3.3 Temperature

10.3.4 Ventilation

10.4 Maximum temperature of water supply

10.5 Valves and accessories

10.6 Suction conditions

10.6.1 General

10.6.2 Suction pipe

10.7 Performance characteristics

10.7.1 Pre-calculated systems - LH and OH

10.7.2 Pre-calculated systems - HHP and HHS with no in-rack sprinklers

10.7.3 Calculated systems

10.7.4 Pressure and water capacity of boosted town mains

10.7.5 Pressure switches

10.8 Electrically driven pumpsets

10.8.1 General

10.8.2 Electricity supply

10.8.3 Main switchboard

10.8.4 Installation between the main switchboard and the pump controller

10.8.5 Pump controller

10.8.6 Monitoring of pump operation

10.9 Diesel engine driven pumpsets

10.9.1 General

10.9.2 Engines

10.9.3 Cooling system

10.9.4 Air filtration

10.9.5 Exhaust system

10.9.6 Fuel, fuel tank and fuel feed pipes

10.9.7 Starting mechanism

10.9.8 Electric starter motor batteries

10.9.9 Battery chargers

10.9.10 Siting of batteries and chargers

10.9.11 Starter alarm indication

10.9.12 Tools and spare parts

10.9.13 Engine tests and exercising

11 Installation type and size

11.1 Wet pipe installations

11.1.1 General

11.1.2 Protection against freezing

11.1.3 Size of installations

11.2 Dry pipe installations

11.2.1 General

11.2.2 Size of installations

11.3 Alternate installations

11.3.1 General

11.3.2 Size of installations

11.4 Pre-action installations

11.4.1 General

11.4.2 Automatic detection system

11.4.3 Size of installations

11.5 Subsidiary dry pipe or alternate extension

11.5.1 General

11.5.2 Size of subsidiary extensions

11.6 Subsidiary water spray extension

12 Spacing and location of sprinklers

12.1 General

12.2 Maximum area of coverage per sprinkler

12.3 Minimum distance between sprinklers

12.4 Location of sprinklers in relation to building construction

12.5 Intermediate sprinklers in HH occupancies

12.5.1 General

12.5.2 Maximum vertical distance between sprinklers at intermediate levels

12.5.3 Horizontal position of sprinklers at intermediate levels

12.5.4 Numbers of rows of sprinklers at each level

12.5.5 HHS intermediate sprinklers in non-shelved racks

12.5.6 HHS intermediate sprinklers below solid or slatted shelves in racks (ST5 and SI

13 Pipe sizing and layout

13.1 General

13.2 Calculation of pressure losses in pipework

13.2.1 Pipe friction loss

13.2.2 Static pressure difference

13.2.3 Velocity

13.2.4 Pressure loss through fittings and valves

13.2.5 Accuracy of calculations

13.3 Pre-calculated systems

13.3.1 General

13.3.2 Location of Design Points

13.3.3 Light Hazard - LH

13.3.4 Ordinary Hazard - OH

13.3.5 High hazard - HHP and HHS (except intermediate level sprinklers)

13.4 Fully calculated systems

13.4.1 Design density

13.4.2 Locations of the area of operation

13.4.3 Shape of the area of operation

13.4.4 Minimum sprinkler discharge pressure

13.4.5 Minimum pipe diameters

14 Sprinkler design characteristics and uses

14.1 General

14.2 Sprinkler types and application

14.2.1 General

14.2.2 Ceiling, flush, recessed and concealed pattern

14.2.3 Sidewall pattern

14.2.4 Flat spray pattern

14.3 Flow from sprinklers

14.4 Sprinkler temperature ratings

14.5 Sprinkler thermal sensitivity

14.5.1 General

14.5.2 Interaction with other measures

14.6 Sprinkler guards

14.7 Sprinkler water shields

14.8 Sprinkler rosettes

14.9 Corrosion protection of sprinklers

15 Valves

15.1 Control valve set

15.2 Stop valves

15.3 Ring main valves

15.4 Drain valves

15.5 Test valves

15.5.1 Alarm and pump start test valves

15.5.2 Remote test valves

15.6 Flushing connections

15.7 Pressure gauges

15.7.1 General

15.7.2 Water supply connections

15.7.3 Control valve set

15.7.4 Removal

16 Alarms and alarm devices

16.1 Water flow alarms

16.1.1 General

16.1.2 Water motor and gong

16.1.3 Piping to water motor

16.2 Electrical water flow and pressure switches

16.2.1 General

16.2.2 Water flow alarm switches

16.2.3 Dry and pre-action systems

16.3 Fire brigade and remote central station alarm connection

17 Pipework

17.1 General

17.1.1 Underground piping

17.1.2 Above ground piping

17.1.3 Welding of steel pipe

17.1.4 Flexible pipes and joints

17.1.5 Concealment

17.1.6 Protection against fire and mechanical damage

17.1.7 Painting

17.1.8 Drainage

17.1.9 Copper pipe

17.2 Pipe supports

17.2.1 General

17.2.2 Spacing and location

17.2.3 Design

17.3 Pipework in concealed spaces

17.3.1 General

17.3.2 False ceilings above OH occupancies

17.3.3 All other cases

18 Signs, notices, and information

18.1 Block plan

18.2 Signs and notices

18.2.1 Location plate

18.2.2 Signs for stop valves

18.2.3 Control valve set

18.2.4 Water supply connections to other services

18.2.5 Suction and booster pumps

18.2.6 Electric switches and control panels

18.2.7 Testing and operating devices

19 Commissioning

19.1 Commissioning tests

19.1.1 Pipework

19.1.2 Equipment

19.1.3 Water supplies

19.2 Completion certificate and documents

20 Maintenance

20.1 General

20.1.1 Introduction

20.1.2 Programmed work

20.1.3 Precautions while carrying out work

20.1.4 Replacement sprinklers

20.2 User's programme of inspection and checking

20.2.1 General

20.2.2 Weekly routine

20.2.3 Monthly routine

20.3 Service, testing and maintenance schedule

20.3.1 General

20.3.2 Quarterly routine

20.3.3 Half-yearly routine

20.3.4 Yearly routine

20.3.5 3 Yearly routine

20.3.6 10 yearly routine

21 Third party inspection

Annex A (normative) Classification of typical hazards

Annex B (normative) Methodology for categorizing stored goods

B.1 General

B.2 Material factor (M)

B.2.1 General

B.2.2 Material Factor 1

B.2.3 Material factor 2

B.2.4 Material factor 3

B.2.5 Material factor 4

B.3 Storage configuration

B.3.1 Effect of storage configuration

B.3.2 Exposed plastic container with non-combustible content

B.3.3 Exposed plastic surface - unexpanded

B.3.4 Exposed plastic surface - expanded

B.3.5 Open structure

B.3.6 Solid block materials

B.3.7 Granular or powdered materials

B.3.8 No special configuration

Annex C (normative) Alphabetical listing of stored products and categories

Annex D (normative) Zoning of sprinkler installations

D.1 General

D.2 Zoning of installations

D.3 Requirements for zoned installations

D.3.1 Extent of zones

D.3.2 Zone subsidiary stop valves

D.3.3 Flushing Valves

D.3.4 Monitoring

D.3.5 Zone test and drainage facilities

D.3.6 Installation control valve set

D.3.7 Installation monitoring and alarms

D.4 Block plan

Annex E (normative) Special requirements for high rise systems

E.1 General

E.2 Design criteria

E.2.1 Hazard group

E.2.2 Subdivision of high rise sprinkler systems

E.2.3 Standing water pressures at non-return and alarm valves

E.2.4 Calculation of distribution pipework for pre-calculated systems

E.2.5 Water pressures

E.3 Water supplies

E.3.1 Types of water supplies

E.3.2 Pressure and flow requirements for pre-calculated installations

E.3.3 Water supply characteristics for pre-calculated installations

E.3.4 Pump performance for pre-calculated installations

Annex F (normative) Additional measures to improve system reliability

F.1 General

F.2 Subdivision into zones

F.3 Wet pipe installations

F.4 Sprinkler type and sensitivity

F.5 Control valve set

F.6 Water supplies

F.7 Additional measures for theatres

F.8 Additional precautions for maintenance

Annex G (normative) Protection of special hazards

G.1 General

G.2 Aerosols

G.3 Clothes in multiple garment hanging storage

G.3.1 General

G.3.2 Categorization

G.3.3 Sprinkler protection other than at ceiling

G.3.4 Sprinklers in operation

G.3.5 Ceiling sprinklers

G.3.6 Automatic shutdown

G.3.7 Control valve set

G.4 Flammable liquid storage

G.5 Idle pallets

G.6 Spirit based liquors in wooden barrels

G.7 Non-woven synthetic fabric

G.7.1 Free standing storage

G.7.2 Rack storage

G.8 Polypropylene or polyethylene storage bins

G.8.1 General

G.8.2 Classification

G.8.3 Palletized rack storage (ST4)

G.8.4 All other storage

G.8.5 Foam additive

Annex H (normative) Sprinkler systems monitoring

H.1 General

H.2 Functions to be monitored

H.2.1 General

H.2.2 Stop valves controlling water flow to sprinklers

H.2.3 Other stop valves

H.2.4 Liquid levels

H.2.5 Pressures

H.2.6 Electrical power

H.2.7 Temperature

Annex I (normative) Transmission of alarms

I.1 Functions to be monitored

I.2 Alarm levels

Annex J (informative) Precautions and procedures when a system is not fully operational...

J.1 Minimizing the effects

J.2 Planned shut-down

J.3 Unplanned shut-down

J.4 Action following sprinkler operation

J.4.1 General

J.4.2 Installations protecting cold storage warehouses (air circulation refrigeration)

Annex K (informative) Twenty-five year inspection

Annex L (informative) Special technology

Annex M (informative) Independent certification body

Annex N (normative) Control Mode Specific Application Sprinklers: CMSA

N.1 Introduction

N.1.1 General

N.1.2 Definitions

N.1.3 General

N.1.4 Sprinkler type and temperature rating

N.1.5 Water demand

N.2 Sprinkler location

N.2.1 Sprinkler spacing

N.2.2 Range pipe sizes

N.2.3 Minimum clear space below sprinklers

N.2.4 Excessive clearance

N.2.5 Distance of sprinklers below ceiling

N.2.6 Location of sprinklers in beam and girder, concrete T and panel construction

N.2.7 Obstructions to sprinkler distribution

N.3 Design

Annex O (informative) Example of P&ID

Annex P (normative) ESFR sprinkler protection

P.1 Introduction

P.2 Scope

P.3 Definitions

P.3.1 Sprinkler, ESFR pattern

P.3.2 Suppression mode

P.3.3 Classification of goods

P.3.4 Ceiling height

P.3.5 Laced tyre storage

P.3.6 Paper categories, based on weight

P.4 Contract arrangements

P.5 General

P.6 Occupancies and fire hazards

P.7 Racked, shelved and post pallet storage

P.7.1 Longitudinal and transverse flues

P.7.2 Shelving

P.7.3 In-rack sprinklers for ESFR systems

P.7.4 Design requirements

P.8 Building requirements

P.8.1 Roof or ceiling slope

P.8.2 Measures required to correct excessive roof or ceiling slope

P.8.3 Ceiling strength

P.8.4 Skylights

P.8.5 Powered ventilation

P.8.6 Walkways and conveyors

P.8.7 Sprinkler protection beneath mezzanines

P.9 ESFR sprinkler installation design

P.9.1 Installation type

P.9.2 Sprinkler nominal k-factor

P.9.3 Temperature ratings thermal sensitivity and colour codings

P.9.4 ESFR sprinkler location relative to obstructions at or near the ceiling or roof....

P.10 Pipe sizing

P.10.1 General

P.10.2 Minimum pipe sizes

P.10.3 Minimum ESFR sprinkler flow pressure

P.10.4 The number of sprinklers assumed to be operating

P.10.5 Shape of design sprinkler area

P.10.6 Sprinklers beneath obstructions

P.11 Sprinkler spacing and location

P.11.1 ESFR sprinkler area of coverage

P.11.2 Obstructions

P.11.3 Sprinkler positioning relative to roof and ceilings

P.11.4 Sprinkler orientation relative to the floor or pipework

P.11.5 Clear space below sprinklers

P.11.6 Sprinkler location relative to draught or smoke curtains

P.11.7 Positioning of ESFR sprinklers relative to draught or smoke curtains

P.11.8 ESFR sprinkler protection adjacent to areas protected by standard sprinklers

P.12 Water supplies

P.12.1 Pump drive and power arrangements

P.12.2 Pump selection

P.12.3 Duration


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