ДСТУ EN 60079-0:2017 Взрывоопасные среды. Часть 0. Оборудование. Общие требования (EN 60079-0:2012, IDT)

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Наказ від 25.07.2017 № 192

EN 60079-0:2012

Explosive atmospheres — Part 0: Equipment —
General requirements

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 60079-0:2017
(EN 60079-0:2012, IDT)

Вибухонебезпечні середовища.
Частина 0. Устатковання. Загальні вимоги

З наданням чинності від 2017-07-26



1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 Equipment grouping

4.1 Group I

4.2 Group II 

4.3 Group III 

4.4 Equipment for a particular explosive atmosphere

5 Temperatures

5.1 Environmental influences 

5.1.1 Ambient temperature

5.1.2 External source of heating or cooling

5.2 Service temperature

5.3 Maximum surface temperature

5.3.1 Determination of maximum surface temperature

5.3.2 Limitation of maximum surface temperature

5.3.3 Small component temperature for Group I or Group II electrical equipment 

6 Requirements for all electrical equipment 

6.1 General 

6.2 Mechanical strength of equipment 

6.3 Opening times 

6.4 Circulating currents in enclosures (e.g. of large electrical machines) 

6.5 Gasket retention

6.6 Electromagnetic and ultrasonic energy radiating equipment

6.6.1 Radio frequency sources

6.6.2 Lasers or other continuous wave sources

6.6.3 Ultrasonic sources

7 Non-metallic enclosures and non-metallic parts of enclosures

7.1 General

7.1.1 Applicability

7.1.2 Specification of materials 

7.2 Thermal endurance

7.2.1 Tests for thermal endurance

7.2.2 Material selection

7.2.3 Alternative qualification of elastomeric sealing O-rings 

7.3 Resistance to light 

7.4 Electrostatic charges on external non-metallic materials

7.4.1 Applicability

7.4.2 Avoidance of a build-up of electrostatic charge on Group I or Group II electrical equipment

7.4.3 Avoidance of a build-up of electrostatic charge on equipment for Group III 

7.5 Accessible metal parts

8 Metallic enclosures and metallic parts of enclosures

8.1 Material composition

8.2 Group I

8.3 Group II

8.4 Group III 

9 Fasteners

9.1 General 

9.2 Special fasteners

9.3 Holes for special fasteners

9.3.1 Thread engagement

9.3.2 Tolerance and clearance

9.3.3 Hexagon socket set screws

10 Interlocking devices

11 Bushings

12 Materials used for cementing

13 Ex Components 

13.1 General

13.2 Mounting 

13.3 Internal mounting

13.4 External mounting 

13.5 Ex Component certificate 

14 Connection facilities and termination compartments

14.1 General 

14.2 Termination compartment

14.3 Type of protection 

14.4 Creepage and clearance

15 Connection facilities for earthing or bonding conductors 

15.1 Equipment requiring earthing

15.1.1 Internal 

15.1.2 External 

15.2 Equipment not requiring earthing

15.3 Size of conductor connection

15.4 Protection against corrosion 

15.5 Secureness of electrical connections

16 Entries into enclosures

16.1 General 

16.2 Identification of entries 

16.3 Cable glands 

16.4 Blanking elements 

16.5 Thread adapters 

16.6 Temperature at branching point and entry point 

16.7 Electrostatic charges of cable sheaths

17 Supplementary requirements for rotating machines 

17.1 Ventilation 

17.1.1 Ventilation openings

17.1.2 Materials for external fans

17.1.3 Cooling fans of rotating machines 

17.1.4 Auxiliary motor cooling fans .

17.1.5 Ventilating fans

17.2 Bearings

18 Supplementary requirements for switchgear 

18.1 Flammable dielectric 

18.2 Disconnectors

18.3 Group I – Provisions for locking

18.4 Doors and covers

19 Supplementary requirements for fuses 

20 Supplementary requirements for plugs, socket outlets and connectors

20.1 General 

20.2 Explosive gas atmospheres

20.3 Explosive dust atmospheres

20.4 Energized plugs 

21 Supplementary requirements for luminaires

21.1 General 

21.2 Covers for luminaires of EPL Mb, EPL Gb, or EPL Db

21.3 Covers for luminaires of EPL Gc or EPL Dc

21.4 Sodium lamps

22 Supplementary requirements for caplights and handlights

22.1 Group I caplights

22.2 Group II and Group III caplights and handlights

23 Equipment incorporating cells and batteries

23.1 General

23.2 Batteries

23.3 Cell types

23.4 Cells in a battery 

23.5 Ratings of batteries 

23.6 Interchangeability

23.7 Charging of primary batteries

23.8 Leakage 

23.9 Connections 

23.10 Orientation

23.11 Replacement of cells or batteries 

23.12 Replaceable battery pack

24 Documentation

25 Compliance of prototype or sample with documents

26 Type tests

26.1 General

26.2 Test configuration

26.3 Tests in explosive test mixtures 

26.4 Tests of enclosures

26.4.1 Order of tests

26.4.2 Resistance to impact

26.4.3 Drop test

26.4.4 Acceptance criteria

26.4.5 Degree of protection (IP) by enclosures

26.5 Thermal tests

26.5.1 Temperature measurement

26.5.2 Thermal shock test

26.5.3 Small component ignition test (Group I and Group II)

26.6 Torque test for bushings

26.6.1 Test procedure 

26.6.2 Acceptance criteria

26.7 Non-metallic enclosures or non-metallic parts of enclosures 

26.7.1 General

26.7.2 Test temperatures

26.8 Thermal endurance to heat

26.9 Thermal endurance to cold

26.10 Resistance to light 

26.10.1 Test procedure 

26.10.2 Acceptance criteria

26.11 Resistance to chemical agents for Group I electrical equipment 

26.12 Earth continuity

26.13 Surface resistance test of parts of enclosures of non-metallic materials

26.14 Measurement of capacitance 

26.14.1 General 

26.14.2 Test procedure

26.15 Verification of ratings of ventilating fans

26.16 Alternative qualification of elastomeric sealing O-rings

27 Routine tests 

28 Manufacturer's responsibility

28.1 Conformity with the documentation

28.2 Certificate

28.3 Responsibility for marking 

29 Marking 

29.1 Applicability 

29.2 Location

29.3 General 

29.4 Ex marking for explosive gas atmospheres

29.5 Ex marking for explosive dust atmospheres 

29.6 Combined types (or levels) of protection 

29.7 Multiple types of protection

29.8 Ga equipment using two independent Gb types (or levels) of protection

29.9 Ex Components

29.10 Small equipment and small Ex Components

29.11 Extremely small equipment and extremely small Ex Components

29.12 Warning markings

29.13 Alternate marking of equipment protection levels (EPLs)

29.13.1 Alternate marking of type of protection for explosive gas atmospheres 

29.13.2 Alternate marking of type of protection for explosive dust atmospheres

29.14 Cells and batteries

29.15 Converter-fed electrical machines

29.16 Examples of marking

30 Instructions

30.1 General 

30.2 Cells and batteries

30.3 Electrical machines 

30.4 Ventilating fans 

Annex A (normative) Supplementary requirements for cable glands

Annex B (normative) Requirements for Ex Components 

Annex C (informative) Example of rig for resistance to impact test

Annex D (informative) Motors supplied by converters

Annex E (informative) Temperature rise testing of electric machines

Annex F (informative) Guideline flowchart for tests of non-metallic enclosures or nonmetallic parts of enclosures (26.4)


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