ДСТУ EN 13501-2:2016 Пожежна класифікація будівельних виробів і будівельних конструкцій. Частина 2. Класифікація за результатами випробувань на вогнестійкість, крім складників вентиляційних систем (EN 13501-2...
Державне підприємство «Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
проблем стандартизації, сертифікації та якості»
(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))
Наказ від 11.08.2016 № 236
EN 13501-2:2007+А1:2009
Fire classification of construction products and
building elements-
Part 2: Classification using data from fire resistance
tests, excluding ventilation services
прийнято як національний стандарт
«підтвердження» за позначенням
ДСТУ EN 13501-2:2016
(EN 13501-2:2007 + А1:2009, IDТ)
Пожежна класифікація будівельних виробів і
будівельних конструкцій.
Частина 2. Класифікація за результатами випробувань на
вогнестійкість, крім складників вентиляційних систем
З наданням чинності від 2016-09-01
1 Scope
2 Normative references
3 Terms and definitions
4 Fire scenarios
4.1 General
4.2 The standard temperature/time curve (post flash-over fire)
4.3 The slow heating curve (smouldering fire)
4.4 The‘semi-natural’fire
4.5 The external fire exposure curve
4.6 Constant temperature attack
5 Resistance to fire performance characteristics
5.1 General
5.2 Performance characteristics
5.2.1 R - Loadbearing capacity
5.2.2 E - Integrity
5.2.3 I-Thermal insulation
5.2.4 W-Radiation
5.2.5 M - Mechanical action
5.2.6 C - Self-closing
5.2.7 S - Smoke leakage
5.2.8 G - ‘Soot fire’ resistance
5.2.9 K - Fire protection ability
6 Declaration of fire resistance performance
6.1 Classification periods
6.2 Designatory letters
6.3 Declaration of performance
6.4 Combinations of classes
6.5 Particular classifications
6.5.1 Fire doors and shutters
6.5.2 Conveyor systems and their closures
6.6 Additional performance parameters
6.6.1 Optional performance parameters
6.6.2 Expansion of performance parameters
6.6.3 Particular performance parameters
6.7 Presentation of classification
6.8 Declaration of fire resistance classes in product specifications
7 Classification procedure for fire resistance
7.1 General
7.1.1 Procedure
7.1.2 General rules for deducing the number of standard temperature/time fire resistance tests
7.1.3 Field of application
7.2 Classification of loadbearing elements without a fire separating function
7.2.1 General
7.2.2 Classification of loadbearing walls without separating function
7.2.3 Classification of loadbearing floors and roofs without fire separating function
7.2.4 Classification of beams
7.2.5 Classification of columns
7.2.6 Classification of balconies, walkways and stairs
7.3 Classification of loadbearing elements with fire separating function
7.3.1 General
7.3.2 Classification of loadbearing walls with fire separating function
7.3.3 Classification of loadbearing floors and roofs with fire separating function
7.3.4 Classification of raised floors
7.4 Products and systems for protecting elements or parts of works
7.4.1 General
7.4.2 Tests to be carried out
7.4.3 Test methods
7.4.4 Performance criteria
7.4.5 Classes
7.4.6 Classification of protected structural members
7.5 Classification of non-loadbearing elements
7.5.1 General
7.5.2 Partitions
7.5.3 Classification of curtain walling
7.5.4 Classification of ceilings with independent fire resistance
7.5.5 Classification of fire doors and shutters including their closing devices
7.5.6 Classification of smoke control doors
7.5.7 Classification of closure and conveyor system assemblies
7.5.8 Classification of penetration seals
7.5.9 Classification of linear joint seals
7.5.10 Classification of service ducts and shafts
7.5.11 Classification of chimneys
7.6 Classification of wall and ceiling coverings for fire protection ability
7.6.1 General
7.6.2 Test method
7.6.3 Tests to be carried out
7.6.4 Performance criteria for fire protection ability
7.6.5 Classes
Annex A (normative) Classification report
A.1 General
A.2 Content and format
A.3 Classification report format
Annex B (informative) Presentation of characterisation data and their field of application for products and systems for protecting elements or parts of work
B.1 General
B.2 Characterisation data for protective vertical membranes
B.3 Characterisation data for applied protection to concrete members
B.4 Characterisation data for applied protection to steelwork
B.5 Characterisation data for applied protection to concrete/profiled sheet steel composite members
B.6 Characterisation data for applied protection to concrete filled hollow steel columns.
B.7 Characterisation data for applied protection to timber members
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