ДСТУ EN 60079-15:2017 Вибухонебезпечні середовища. Частина 15. Електричне устатковання. Вид вибухозахисту n (EN 60079-15:2010, IDT)

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Державне підприємство
«Український науково-дослідний і навчальний центр
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(ДП «УкрНДНЦ»))

Наказ від 25.07.2017 № 192

EN 60079-15:2010

Explosive atmospheres —
 Part 15: Equipment protection by type of protection «n»

прийнято як національний стандарт
методом «підтвердження» за позначенням

ДСТУ EN 60079-15:2017
(EN 60079-15:2010, IDT)

Вибухонебезпечні середовища.
Частина 15. Електричне устатковання. Вид вибухозахисту «n»

З наданням чинності від 2017-07-26


1 Scope

2 Normative references

3 Terms and definitions

4 General

4.1 Equipment grouping and temperature classification

4.2 Potential ignition sources

5 Temperatures

5.1 Maximum surface temperature

5.2 Small components

6 Requirements for electrical equipment

6.1 General

6.2 Opening times

6.3 Minimum degree of protection

6.4 Clearances, creepage distances and separations

6.5 Electric strength

7 Connection facilities and terminal compartments

7.1 General

7.2 Field wiring connections

7.3 Factory connections

8 Supplementary requirements for non-sparking electrical machines

8.1 General

8.2 Machine enclosure

8.3 Terminal boxes

8.4 Conduit stopping boxes, cable sealing and dividing boxes

8.5 Connection facilities for external conductors

8.6 Neutral point connections

8.7 Radial air gap

8.8 Rotor cages

8.9 Stator winding insulation system

8.10 Surface temperature limitation

9 Supplementary requirements for non-sparking fuses and fuse assemblies

9.1 Fuses

9.2 Temperature class of equipment

9.3 Fuse mounting

9.4 Fuse enclosures

9.5 Replacement fuse identification

10 Supplementary requirements for non-sparking plugs and sockets

10.1 Plugs and sockets for external connections

10.2 Maintaining degree of protection (IP code)

10.3 Sockets that do not have plugs inserted in normal operation

11 Supplementary requirements for non-sparking luminaires

11.1 General

11.2 Construction

11.3 Luminaires for tubular fluorescent bi-pin lamps

11.4 Other equipment containing light sources

12 Supplementary requirements for equipment incorporating non-sparking cells and batteries

12.1 General

12.2 Categorization of cells and batteries

12.3 General requirements for cells and batteries of types 1 and 2

12.4 Charging of type 1 and type 2 cells and batteries

12.5 Requirements for type 3 secondary batteries

12.6 Verification and tests

13 Supplementary requirements for non-sparking low power equipment

14 Supplementary requirements for non-sparking current transformers

15 Other non-sparking electrical equipment

16 General supplementary requirements for equipment producing arcs, sparks or hot surfaces

17 Supplementary requirements for enclosed-break devices and non-incendive components producing arcs, sparks or hot surfaces

17.1 Type testing

17.2 Ratings

17.3 Construction of enclosed-break devices

18 Supplementary requirements for hermetically sealed devices producing arcs, sparks or hot surfaces

19 Supplementary requirements for sealed devices producing arcs, sparks or hot surfaces

19.1 Non-metallic materials

19.2 Opening

19.3 Internal spaces

19.4 Handling

19.5 Gasket and seals

19.6 Type tests

20 Supplementary requirements for restricted-breathing enclosures protecting equipment producing arcs, sparks or hot surfaces

20.1 General

20.2 Constructional requirements

20.3 Temperature limitation

20.4 Additional requirements for restricted breathing luminaires

21 General information on verification and tests

22 Type tests

22.1 Representative samples

22.2 Test configuration

22.3 Tests for enclosures on which the type of protection depends

22.4 Tests for enclosed break devices and non incendive components

22.5 Tests for sealed devices

22.6 Type test requirements for restricted-breathing enclosures

22.7 Test for screw lampholders

22.8 Test for starter holders for luminaires

22.9 Tests for electronic starters for tubular fluorescent lamps and for ignitors for high pressure sodium or metal halide lamps

22.10 Test for wiring of luminaires subject to high-voltage impulses from ignitors

22.11 Mechanical shock test for batteries

22.12 Insulation resistance test for batteries

22.13 Additional ignition tests for large or high-voltage machines

23 Routine verifications and tests

23.1 General

23.2 Specific routine tests

24 Marking

24.1 General

24.2 Where IP marking is required equipment shall be marked in accordance with 6.3. Additional marking for batteries

24.3 Examples of marking

25 Documentation

26 Instructions

Annex A (informative) Application, installation, and testing considerations for Ex “nA” asynchronous machines


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